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    Ruin a Quote/Saying

    Pretty easy, just start a quote, then the next person will finish it in a funny/weird way. Example: When life hands you lemons... next poster: Throw them at the &#(%$ who gave them to you! then start another one for the next person to ruin. Got it? I'll start "What we've got...
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    I think we've been discussing pretty Dark things Lately.....

    With us discussing the Holocaust and a South Korean president killing himself, I think it's time to lighten up.
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    Unreal character thread.

    Here are all the details you need to make a character for the Unreal RP. Name: Your character’s name Species: Your character’s race Age: Your character’s age Gender: Male or Female? Height: How tall is your character? Weight: How much does your character weigh? Gear: What weapons...
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    Unreal RP?

    Well I thought that if anyone here knew what Unreal is, they might want to RP it. Heres some of the stuf included, if anyone is interested I'll expand on it. (You can Wiki it for more info.) The year is 2010, 6 years after UT2004, and much has...
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    We should add Rodia to the useable planets, I mean, if we have Rodians, shouldn't we have Rodia?
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    boat capsises and kills 10 A boat sank off the coast of Florida killing 10 Haitans (or whatever the plural for is.)This tiny boat had 26 people in it when it sank, the coast guard is still looking for more survivors. But thats way overcrowded. the boat consisted of mostly migrants...
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    Picture for Signature needed.

    My characters name Is Lomose Rias. A Rodian. A link to his profile is in my sig. You can go there for extra details if you like.
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    Lomose Rais

    NAME: Lomose Rias FACTION: No faction RANK: Explorer SPECIES: Rodian AGE: 19 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 5 ft. 8 in. WEIGHT: 110 lbs. EYES: Black HAIR: None SKIN: Green CREDITS: 1,000 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: A burn on his Right side, around the ribs DOMINATE HAND: ambidextrous FORCE...