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  1. Fabian Retarma

    Battle of Courscant - Family First

    upon kicking her back and see her tumble back, Fabian keeps defensive not pressing the advantage created by it. He circles with her in a guarded stance ready for the next attack, he was going to keep on the defensive let her wear herself down and wait for her to make another mistake before going...
  2. Fabian Retarma

    Battle of Courscant - Family First

    as she pulled out the second lightsaber, remained stalwart, unphased by the second blade. then she jumped at him knocking aside his pike blade but as she attacked his midsection he used the momentum of his knocked pike to quickly position the hilt to block the combined attack. fabian returned...
  3. Fabian Retarma

    Coruscant: Accord Evacuation

    "We can't leave him here," Fabian turns towards the prisoner and the young man "It was never my intent to leave him here, Jedi don't seek revenge only justice. leaving him here would a fate worse than death. Now get on the ship, time isn't our ally here" he says motioning for them to follow him...
  4. Fabian Retarma

    Battle of Courscant - Family First

    Fabian upon seeing the saber begin to fly toward him, he jumps over the sith to avoid the attack pirouetting through the air, landing and roll behind the Sith six feet away and immediately bring up a defensive posture with blade point directly at her, with him steadying breathing waiting for her...
  5. Fabian Retarma

    Coruscant: Accord Evacuation

    Fabian pick up the lightsaber that he had been using and looks over it before attaching it to his belt "he won't be needing this anymore and best with someone who knows how to use it" he says looking at the man in tears on the floor "now let's get out here before we are over run with sith"...
  6. Fabian Retarma

    Coruscant: Accord Evacuation

    Fabian force pushes the charging man in hopes of knocking him unconscious when he hits the ground so they can make their escape. he grabs young man's arm and pulling him back to face him before he could charge off. "A good warrior knows when to fight and when to retreat. defend an injured...
  7. Fabian Retarma

    Battle of Courscant - Family First

    Fabian braced himself for an attack as the sith approached with haste which would never come. as he stared at her eyes, he was somewhat unsettled by how void they were any experssion. he moves a few step back as to give more space between him and her so he could gain more of advantage of his...
  8. Fabian Retarma

    Coruscant: Accord Evacuation

    Fabian looks at the young man approaching him, he was nicely dressed but his clothes were dirt and a bit ragged, not surprising with what going on. he asks "You look hurt, I'm sure there's a spare medic who can look you over, should I find one?" he replies "I'll be fine, I just need a bandage to...
  9. Fabian Retarma

    Coruscant: Accord Evacuation

    At the frontlines, the streets were thick with smoke and dust from collapsed and burning with blaster fire glowing through it as the sith and the accord furiously engage one another on the far edge of the landing pads. as accord forces engage in returning fire, sith fire stops for a few seconds...
  10. Fabian Retarma

    Battle of Courscant - Family First

    fabian still holding his stance he serves the situation looking at the guards and hostages, seeing Elilyd with a blaster against her head staring at her for a second. he sighs "You don't give me much of a choice." looks back at Sith staring her dead straight in the eye "I accept your terms but...
  11. Fabian Retarma

    Long Far Gone

    Fabian was still investigating the markings when blaster fire began to ring out from where Jace was. "Where is it!? Where is it!? Did you see it!?" fabian turns to see what the commotion was all about, "see wha-" asked as he was interrupted by Jace shouting "Fabian at your eleven!" there he...
  12. Fabian Retarma

    Cold, Hard Truth

    fabian turns to face claire "Don't be so rude Claire, this is their home, we are their guests. They could of shots as soon as we walked in here but they didn't, now let's show them the same courtesy" he turns to face the chief elder "Pardon are floating friend, she isn't must understanding of...
  13. Fabian Retarma

    Battle of Courscant - Family First

    Before Elilyd could answer, Fabian dropped from the balcony that was his vantage spot, landing on one of Tanibus's men pinning him to ground with his white blade before killing another by pulling them into his blade, he took a stance with his blade held on his right at head height with a two...
  14. Fabian Retarma

    Battle of Courscant - Family First

    Fabian came to coruscant with one objective in mind to get his sister of the planet before anything can happen to her but as his ship begins to enter atmosphere his comlink activates unknown voices begins to speak from it "Tell me, human. What is it you desire, more than anything in the world?"...
  15. Fabian Retarma

    Cold, Hard Truth

    Fabian steps forward "no need for that I can clear debris, just give me some space" fabian walk closer to the pass, raising both his hands toward the debris, for a few seconds nothing happens and Fabians hands begin to shake then a large chunk of ice begins to slow rise from debris and move from...
  16. Fabian Retarma

    Raised Banner Tournament ♦ Round 1 ♦ Group 2

    using the momentum from the spin of his blade that Ashlynn provided, Fabian carries the momentum into a powerful full body spin into a fast and powerful upward slash across the chest
  17. Fabian Retarma

    Raised Banner Tournament ♦ Round 1 ♦ Group 2

    fabian lunged at her with his lightsaber, cutting across her in across the right side ribs causing and stepping back in a defensive position, ready for the retaliation that would come of it.
  18. Fabian Retarma

    Cold, Hard Truth

    fabian shook as the ship crash and scraped across the icy ground of the planet. he groans as he exits the ship stretching and feeling his neck "Any landing you can walk from is a successful landing in my book, so let's get moving" he say with chattering teeth, he then pulls up his hood, covers...
  19. Fabian Retarma


    fabian jumps down rather climbing down ladders landing quietly, taking a look around fabian sees the 3 blasts doors they could use to escape, one was being used to move the cargo from the ship they just left, so that was a no-go, the other two seemed to be clear. Fabian lead the way the to...
  20. Fabian Retarma

    Raised Banner Tournament ♦ Round 1 ♦ Group 2

    Fabian circles around Ashlynn, pike facing towards her keeping his distance. then quickly jabs at her torso using distance provided by his lightsaber pike to his advantage to keep out the reach of her lightsabers (if she doesn't follow him he would be jabbing at her right side of her back)