Search results

  1. M

    Shram Tolth

    Yes. Another character. SHRAM TOLTH bounty hunter COMPOSITION AND APPEARANCE: Not much of Shram is visible when he wears his armor, other that he stands at about six feet and carries a slug thrower and a blaster. The female vornskr that follows him could be considering a weapon as...
  2. M

    Thalo Rokshan

    This is my first character ever, so errors are likely to occur. THALO ROKSHAN Jedi Hopeful NAME: Thalo Rokshan FACTION: The Jedi RANK: Hopeful SPECIES: Devaronian AGE: 17 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 5'7'' WEIGHT: 116 EYES: Blue HAIR: None SKIN: Red CREDITS: 1000 DISTINGUISHING...