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    Praise Chaos(Open)

    "Kuat, a bright, cheery planet. Full of life and wonder, home of a large shipyard and the Kuati race." "In a small city on the northern continent, lies a bar." "And inside that bar stands a man in a combat uniform, with two slug-throwers, a blaster rifle, and a combat knife." "A manly...
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    Nomar Thont(beware the madcap hijinx and insanity)

    Hi I'm Nomar, or maybe I'm Thont........Never did find out. Well I grew up on Coruscant as the son of a semi-successful mercenary. I was an energetic kid growing up, always getting into trouble, blowing up the unfortunate mailmen, and the CSF officers who came by the house, not literally of...
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    Book Idea (I've been thinking of for a long time)

    I've been thinking of the idea for a long time, and I have the intro done. Tell me what you think. I am Elredan Dathom and to most people, I’m a nightmare. I’m a figurehead, an archetype used to scare children and rookie soldiers into a life of obedience and respect for their own...
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    Star Wars: Rebellion.

    This game is fun, they may have gotten the locations of some planets wrong but this game is still epic. graphics aren't the best(especially compared to this day and age) but the gameplay is awesome and hard even on easy because it is so damned frustrating trying to hunt down Vader and Palpatine...
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    Ruin A wish

    Basically you state a wish then the next poster grants it, but in a horrible way. I.E I wish for Omnipotence Reply: The very next day, you recieve mail-order omnipotence for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, now that you're omnipotent, you have no skills or hobbies of interest because...
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    Well I've seen a lot of threads where everyone chats on certain topics. But what about a thread where we just chat for the heck of it, say hi, discuss random things about the rp and whatnot? So to start things off am I the only one who feels like shouting "Its Rex Manning day?"
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    Top Ten Force Powers We'll Never See

    Just a little humorous list I found. Top Ten Force Powers We'll Never See by the readers of TheForce.Net 10. The Jedi Neck Pinch. It was cool, but those bastards at Paramount threatened legal action. by Jar Jar Bites 9. The power to find out just how many licks it takes to get to...
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    Quick Question

    I've noticed that in this rp, force sensative's grow stronger through training. But what if you're trying to start an independent faction(Like Silas) If you're the head of the faction how do you grow stronger, do you train yourself, do you seek training from others?
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    Order of the Burning Forge Sign Up

    Sign up here. No real requirements other than to be neutral, force-sensative and a minimum age of 15
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    Order of the Burning Forge

    The Order of the Burning Forge was started when a young Jedi Knight by the name of Silas Tenor, grew discontent with the Order's inaction and left to create his own Order, an Order that would signify their care for the people of the galaxy not just the governments and politicians. Silas...
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    Silas Tenor

    Name: Silas Tenor Faction: N/A Rank: N/A Species:human Age: 23 Gender:Male Height:5ft 11inch weight 155lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: white Credits: 1000 Distinguishing Marks: Two lines running down the sides of his nose from the edge of his eyes to the end of his nose. Dominate Hand: Right...