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  1. R

    Einstein gets it right!

    haha, einstein finally figures out his formula how YOU think it should be solved... funny as hell... post your most creatively funny formulas.
  2. R

    Valentine's Day

    Ok, I was just curious what everyone else's thoughts on Valentine's day were? Personally, I've never been much of a fan of the day. Of course, that might stem from the fact that no matter what my love life consists of in between, I always manage to be single on February 14th. To me, I see the...
  3. R

    Iridonian Deserts, and Rainforests, and Mountains, Oh My!

    Rayz's shuttle hurtled quickly through hyperspace until it finally arrived at the coordinates for Iridonia, a planet that he knew well. Outside the cockpit, the stars came quickly back into focus, and the planet came clearly into view. Much of Iridonia was covered with a harsh desert that made...
  4. R

    Robal Jogen

    Robal Jogen Name: Robal Jogen Faction: Thug Rank: N/A Species: Human Age: Approximately 27 Years Gender: Male Height: 2.12 Meters Weight: 104.3 Kg Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Skin: Pale Credits: 1000 Credits. Strength: Very Strong Dexterity: Average Dexterity Constitution: Average Constitution...
  5. R

    Reasons to call in sick for work...

    ok, just to start off, it was my b-day yesterday (jan 5), and i had a bit to drink last night. i'm just curious what everyone's opinion is of reasons to call off for work are. personally, i feel that sick days shouldn't be wasted on, well, being sick? i'd much rather use them for well...
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    Mysteriously Dangerous Task on Chandrila

    As Rayz had predicted, the shuttle trip from Couriscant to Chandrila took only about 3 hours. As Rayz's shuttle fell out of hyperspace the lush green planet came in to view. The shuttle entered the atmosphere and Rayz sent the proper ship identification protocols (which were of course forged)...
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    Rayz Manx

    Rayz Manx Name: Rayz Manx Faction: Freelancer Rank: N/A Species: Zabrak Age: Approximately 22 Years Gender: Male Height: 1.96 Meters Weight: 73 Kg Eyes: Green Hair: N/A Skin: Grey Credits: 1000 Credits. Strength: Average Strength Dexterity: Very Agile and Nimble Constitution: High...