Search results

  1. Prince

    Kale, Sobrenth (WIP)

    NAME: Sobrenth Kale FACTION: New Sith Imperium RANK: Sith SPECIES: Nautolan AGE: 19 Standard Years GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6’ 0” WEIGHT: 175 lbs. EYES: Black HAIR: None SKIN: Green CREDITS: 1,000 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Much of the upper portions of his body (chest, neck, face, shoulders, head...
  2. Prince


    I've been having such a difficulty writing on my own as of recent. I decided to go back to RPs that I used to do years back and went with something I know I could handle: Star Wars. Its good to see such an expanded universe with a loving memberbase such as this. I am Prince and it is a pleasure...