Search results

  1. TehZach1993

    [Hutt Mission] - Revenge a Hutt

    Mintaka Bade looked up from his drink, non-alcoholic, simply a glass of least he hoped so. With what goes on on Nar, you never knew if someone had tipped the bartender to add a little something to your drink even if it was only water. The ice in the glass chinked as he stirred it...
  2. TehZach1993

    Star Wars: Rebels I hope I'm not the only one who's excited for this series. :3 I've wanted to get a look into the gap between III and IV for a long time, and Force Unleashed in my opinion was a total let down and felt a bit convoluted especially the second one. I...
  3. TehZach1993

    1 Hutt member + 2 Rangers needed

    Mission Name: The Hold Up Location: Bothawui Details: A Bothan bank recently allowed local officials to see it's account logs after previously promising discretion as a result many Hutt contractors can no longer safely operate on the planet, as payback the Hutts are planning a robbery to ruin...
  4. TehZach1993

    Mintaka Bade [UPDATED]

    Mintaka's Theme: "The galaxy is a rotten, cold, cruel place. How many Empires have to rise and fall before people stop following the next big person in power and start to think for themselves? The politicians, the Sith, the Jedi....Its strange how...
  5. TehZach1993

    Need some help with my new character

    I've never had any luck writing backstories for my characters, they always seem to devolve into "Oh my parents are dead blah blah blah". That old cliche? But today while writing my character sheet I was thinking about a Zabrak man who joins up with the Hutt Cartel, BUT to keep his guilty...
  6. TehZach1993

    As Ben Kenobi once said: "Hello there!"

    *waves* Hiya! Good to be here, I actually found this site because I was bored and decided to look up SW RP sites because I couldn't get any inspiration for my own 'what happens after Return of the Jedi' fanfiction. :) I enjoy roleplaying though, not too educated on the EU though so I might need...