Search results

  1. Danni Darkblade

    Open The Den: Survive 3 rounds. Win Big

    Word of a massive pay day and a great chance to test his skills reached the ear of Danni Darkblade. He was a relatively new bounty hunting upstart some called the ‘Blue Knight’ for his cobalt-shaded armor. While he was no Jedi, plenty would make claims he was, much to the hunter’s amusement. The...
  2. Danni Darkblade

    Ask Just another rainy days work: Guarding a Hutt

    Toydaria was not a world Danni frequented, but he was a man that followed the credits. This cesspool was ripe with employment, if someone knew where to look. Being an independent bounty hunter, the young pantoran man knew exactly where to search. The hutts were always looking to hire the best of...