Search results

  1. Krail

    OOC: Fugitive Retrieval

    OOC: Fugitive Retrieval Imperial intelligence suggests that a wanted fugitive will be touching down in natural ground, the DSC Daedalus. The primary goal is to learn what information they stole from the Empire and if possible destroy all traces of that information. Stormtroopers are to...
  2. Krail

    The Grand Bazaar (Open)

    OOC: Location Theme/ ambient noise of the bazaar: Mission: Obtain information from ship soon to dock. Delay or detain the crew and do not use lethal force, command would prefer to avoid tensions with the Daedalus. This thread will conclude when...
  3. Krail

    [Interest Check] Stormtrooper Advanced Training

    Just a thought; maybe the Empire could host a large scale training exercise for it's troops. Are there more stormtroopers out there that would go in for some advanced training? Make some noise! :D
  4. Krail

    Standing Orders

    Would it be possible to get standing orders for stormtroopers? Things like report all Jedi movements, kill such and such on sight, detain suspicious individuals for questioning, if you are given _____ clearance, run the code and if it passes ask no questions. (Sorry if this is not the...
  5. Krail

    And now I exist

    Just jumping on to say hello to everyone! I wont promise writing on par with Terry Pratchett but I hope I'll add some humor insight, and character to our stories. Nice to meet everyone! Edit: PS, If someone can help me figure out how to get an avitar for my profile I will give them an...
  6. Krail

    Krail Racksis

    NAME: Krail Racksis Faction: Imperial Stormtrooper. Rank: TBD by staff Credits: 71 Force Sensitive: Krail feels the force, everyday. It’s around his neck and cutting off the air. What will I do if it comes down to that? Other than those haunting thoughts Krail’s understanding of the force is...