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  1. Vaanes


    I for one look forwards to the day when i can say what I wish and not have it considered "bad." I mean really, is it so bad to say certain things a certain way?
  2. Vaanes

    Serie Fond

    I must say, I like the picture, though she seems a tad light on the force powers compared to other fresh Force user profiles that I have seen on here.
  3. Vaanes

    Xer-class heavy cruiser

    This thing reminds me in a way of the ships in Warhammer 40k, with the prow that can do some massive damage and the underside launch tubes al a the Adeptus Astartes/Space Marines. Seems like the only legit strategy against it will be shoot all the guns and hope something blows up.
  4. Vaanes

    Introducing Myself.

    Based on that list I'm pretty sure I'm going to like you.
  5. Vaanes

    Away for awhile.

    You misspelled Wars.
  6. Vaanes

    My apologies for not replying, I am in the midst of final exams for college.

    My apologies for not replying, I am in the midst of final exams for college.
  7. Vaanes

    Aries Dasnet

    Neat. More Mandos are rolling up.
  8. Vaanes

    Raven Sangria

    If it makes you feel any better just watch the mounds of criticism that will be flung my direction when I eventually make a Sith.
  9. Vaanes

    Raven Sangria

    Damn. Maths is hard. I miscounted at 5, didnt check the sig ._.
  10. Vaanes

    Raven Sangria

    So yo have a 60% no complaint rate. What's the problem? Do you want us to go and find some problems? We can try if you want :D
  11. Vaanes

    5 year old shoots and kills 2 year old sister.

    After you mentioned falafel I got curious and went to see what it was. I have to go try that sometime, it sounds delicious.
  12. Vaanes

    Did Filoni hint about a new Star Wars show?

    It would be nice to see the galaxy goings on during Episodes IV, V, and VI expanded on a bit more. I just hope Luke, Leia and the rest aren't in them. More fluff with some new and interesting characters would be cool.
  13. Vaanes

    5 year old shoots and kills 2 year old sister.

    I find myself in more of line with your stance to a point due to my upbringing and experiences, but dragging religion into this isn't going to help anything.
  14. Vaanes

    5 year old shoots and kills 2 year old sister.

    From what I read of him he was very accomplished in many things. It's a shame how he ended up. words can't really do that much justice, especially over the internet in the form of text.
  15. Vaanes

    5 year old shoots and kills 2 year old sister.

    I'll try to answer the best I can, but it seems to me that everyone has made up their minds on the matter anyways. And as Brandon has said there's no definitive proof to either side so it is just a lot of finger pointing when the chickens come home to roost. One thing that stands out in my...
  16. Vaanes

    5 year old shoots and kills 2 year old sister.

    I'm fairly certain you are incorrect on that regard. That's hardly the same thing, the difference between atomic arms and any type of firearm is completely different by several magnitudes if not a lot more. Back when the 2nd amendment was written there weren't things like that around, though...
  17. Vaanes

    EA, Bioware to make Star Wars games.

    Fair enough, but the reserve is still there, slightly drained due to ME and a certain game with the name of dragon in it, but present nonetheless. TOR helped keep it that way.
  18. Vaanes

    EA, Bioware to make Star Wars games.

    I find it amusing that the EA hate has managed to root itself even here. Not saying that they are saints, but they could be worse..... somehow.... At least this means that we should continue to see Star Wars games, and like Brandon said, with Disney holding the reigns to Star Wars I would...
  19. Vaanes

    Knife games

    "I'd think it'd be obvious. We both are skilled enough with a knife, so let us see if we are as even as we are with a plaster pistol. Hm...." Vaanes glanced about a bit before pointing upwards slightly and forwards, down the street as they walked, the crowd thinning out as they moved further...
  20. Vaanes


    Welcome to the fun!