Search results

  1. Jett Yalaz

    Ask Coruscant The Down Below

    Jett was not a fan of the core. To clean, to many rules and laws. He especially didn't like Coruscant. The level after level of cities stacked atop one another. People packed in on one another. Corruption, murder, treachery were rampant. Then there were the criminals. It was like Nar Shaddaa...
  2. Jett Yalaz

    Open Pit Stop in Purgatory.

    Hypori was another planet that the greater galaxy would have liked to forget about. Especially it's slum city, Paradise. Or as most of it's residents call it, Purgatory. A muck covered vomit inducing steaming piles of slag. Years ago is was supposed to be the shiny example of some lessor...