Search results

  1. Jackie O

    Ask Raxus Always Bet On a Sure Thing

    Raxus - Warehouse District #16 He was growing to like Imperial Space. It had a taste of Hutt Space to it, but it didn't smell quite as bad. Laws had been loosened, allowing for more...questionably legal establishments to pop up. Even the capital of Raxus wasn't immune. Jackie had heard of this...
  2. Jackie O

    Ask Two Day Shipping!

    Liana Nobody liked the Hutts, but they had made it a haven for people like him. As long as he didn't make too big of a splash, local law enforcement was way more concerned with the big stuff and had hardly paid any attention to him. Even still, he had fallen on a bit of a rough patch. His...
  3. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    The collapse of the New Republic had sent the region into a bit of chaos. Suddenly, it had become much easier to bring illicit goods into most worlds. Coruscant already had solid operations set it up, and as the product began rolling in, there was space to make a whole lot of credits. Jackie...
  4. Jackie O

    Ask It's All Part of The Job

    He had lost it all. Everyone's luck ran out eventually, and apparently, the sense that told people to walk away while they were ahead had beaten out Jack long ago. That's how he found himself in the employ of a rather distasteful Zygerrian. Jack could deal with distastefulness, but slavers put...
  5. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant License and Registration, Please

    Jack leaned up against his speeder in the vacant parking garage, a sheet of rain falling coming off the overhang a few feet away. The garage stank with the all the chemicals and waster in the air mixing with the filth of the city below. Jack hardly even noticed as the end of cigarette flared as...
  6. Jackie O

    Ask Nar Shaddaa The Bottom of the Barrel

    Everybody worked for someone, and Jack was about as low on any totem pole that anyone could possibly be. Currently, he found himself in the employ of a low level thug, Mako Trist. Mako had started a turf war a couple weeks back when he shot a rival gang leader during a game of cards. The streets...