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  1. Jackie O

    Ask Two Day Shipping!

    Jackie was generally a pretty easy guy to get along with, but now and then an...incident would happen and people would get mad at him. Like one such thug and the few guys, he had brought along that were not walking in the spaceport, scanning before they spotted the Chiss and making their way...
  2. Jackie O

    Open Vadros Hills, That's Where I Want To Be!

    Tourists were great for making some quick credits, Jackie was having a good day but didn't press his luck too far. He was walking by the spaceport when something caught his attention. He wore his typical black shirt, revealing tattoed arms. The guy certainly looked like he was trying to not...
  3. Jackie O

    Ask Raxus Always Bet On a Sure Thing

    "ANNNDDD IN THIS CORNER!" the announcer turned to face the other side of the ring where a tattoed Gamorrean huffed as the crowd turned its attention to him. "FROM THE SWAMPS OF GAMORR, JOHNNNNN!" he yelled, trying to make the awkwardly common name sound exciting. Jackie laughed "Did they just...
  4. Jackie O

    Ask Two Day Shipping!

    Jackie's phone buzzed until it fell off the perch on his unconscious face. The movement jolted him awake. "W..wha...ughhh" he groaned as he reached around in a daze for his phone. "Good News! Your order has arrived on Liana and is ready for pickup at Wildlife Handoff Hanger 62. Please arrive...
  5. Jackie O

    Ask Raxus Always Bet On a Sure Thing

    Raxus - Warehouse District #16 He was growing to like Imperial Space. It had a taste of Hutt Space to it, but it didn't smell quite as bad. Laws had been loosened, allowing for more...questionably legal establishments to pop up. Even the capital of Raxus wasn't immune. Jackie had heard of this...
  6. Jackie O

    Ask Two Day Shipping!

    Liana Nobody liked the Hutts, but they had made it a haven for people like him. As long as he didn't make too big of a splash, local law enforcement was way more concerned with the big stuff and had hardly paid any attention to him. Even still, he had fallen on a bit of a rough patch. His...
  7. Jackie O

    Ask Everything Falls Apart Together

    He laughed, a small snort escaping. "I mean, I could have told you that just from looking at this place..." he said with a shake of his head. "Very formal..." he said with a tinge of disappointment. "Can't take yourself too seriously out there, Mr. K." he said, lounging back slightly. The man...
  8. Jackie O

    Ask Everything Falls Apart Together

    The weapons business had been a great success on Coruscant. The constant flow of weapons being channeled through different layers toward the Empire had kept them running at full blast for months. The infusion of cash had allowed Jackie to push out the other gangs that constantly pushed against...
  9. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    "Just the important things.." he replied with a grin to her comment, not letting on further. She pulled away slightly at first, but with a "Come on" gesture and a grin, she allowed herself to be pulled out of the booth. He let out a laugh as the music picked up. Rosie, the server droid, was...
  10. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    Music He dipped another fry before popping it in his mouth. "I got a family." he said. Jackie had a knack for gathering people, taking in those the Galaxy had forgotten about; those were his family. He shrugged. "If that family included some kids someday, that would be nice, I guess," he said...
  11. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    Music "I guess we will just have to see." he said with a grin. "I may need some...close supervision." he teased back. 'Oh come on! Just try it, trust me!" he said when she pushed back. He watched with anticipation as she moved to try it. Eyes lighting up as she seemed to enjoy it. 'I told...
  12. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    He waited for her to change; when she finally did emerge, he nodded approvingly. It was overdressed for the slums, but Jackie didn't complain. Some of the others lingering around the area seemed not to mind as she walked past. "You are the first one today." he teased with a wink. He certainly...
  13. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    "Hey now!" he said expectantly. "We haven't been havin' a good time?" he asked, holding out his arms. He smiled as she stopped packing for the moment. People came and went, but he had already lost someone today, someone he thought was a friend, a brother. Maybe that was enough loss for one day...
  14. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    He frowned as she explained what had happened. "I'm sorry that happened. To both of you...It wasn't supposed to be like that.." he said, trailing off. Why would Binks have betrayed them like this? It made him feel sick. He almost went after Inky, but Tali said she needed time. She was probably...
  15. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    The rest of the facility's defenses had collapsed quickly enough as they took the main office and seized full control over the factory's automated defenses. "We are good. Will just need a while to sure things up here. Meet back up later." he said over the comm. They would have a lot of work...
  16. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    Blaster fire slagged steel all around them, his little group pinned down. He was able to get off a shot everyone in a while, but it wouldn't be enough. They couldn't get backward or forward; they were trapped. As things were getting truly desperate, the doors finally opened, and the alarm...
  17. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    Things were going great. His team moved inside as the alarms started sounding. That had been expected, though; he was confident Inky would make short work of the security system. The doors locked down, and the factory guards started to engage them. "Come on kid..." he mumbled to himself...
  18. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    "Not even a chance.." he said, giving her a relaxed grin. "Hey, when you aren't paying me anymore, I am going to kick your ass so hard, even Mama Din ain't gonna be able to put you back together." he joked before they broke off. "Gross." Inky said behind Six. She wore her usual oversized hoodie...
  19. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    Jackie always enjoyed suggestive teasing, except when he was trying to take it up. He shot her a deadpan stare before pushing himself out of his bunk. He hated mornings. After having to wake up before dawn most of his childhood, he had vowed never to have to wake up early again. "I told you...
  20. Jackie O

    Ask Coruscant Gold Rush

    The Cathar woman studied her momentarily, trying to calculate Tali's angle, but she shrugged after a few seconds. "Did a stint in a New Republic prison camp. I was let go when the New Republic went to shit, so I found myself here. Tried living out on my own, but ran into some issues with a crew...