Search results

  1. Celesté Naberrie

    Ask Jedi Outposts and Where to Find Them

    The abandoned Jedi Outpost on D'Qar must have been one of the reasons the Resistance chose to hole up on the jungle planet in the days of the First Order. Though, it was secluded on another continent far from the smoldering crater that had once been the Resistance base. Celesté had come back...
  2. Celesté Naberrie

    Ask Yavin IV Light Preserve Us

    Yavin IV was admittedly not Celesté's favorite place to be. The jungle world was hot and humid, the air sticky and prickly against her skin. Though she had been a Jedi most of her life, she still associated more strongly with the cool, temperate climate of her homeworld on Naboo. Were the...