Search results

  1. Shaddi

    Interest Check Sith hound adoption papers

    Just wondering if Any sith might have an interest in getting their hands on a loyal Tuk'ata pup? I have a thread open here for those interested. As it's open I'm just hoping that perhaps we could talk a bit here about it and if someone wanted more than just one we could all discuss it here...
  2. Shaddi

    Seeking threads

    So I'm looking for threads as I'm sure many of us are at times. My character is @Count Nergal and is currently a sith acolyte who's at the Serenno Academy. Though I do have some ideas for threads I'd love to discuss some interesting scenarios for those involved to enjoy.
  3. Shaddi

    Hello there

    Hi there, as I'm sure many if not all of us on this site are star wars fans among other things. While I've already jumped the gun a bit by creating a character and trying my hand to rp before I posted here, I hope no one will hold that against me. I've forum rp'd in star wars before but my...
  4. Shaddi

    Sith Order Count Nergal

    Count Nergal BIOGRAPHY NAME: Count (Laisvas) Nergal AGE: 24 SPECIES: Near-human (Firrerreo/Anzat/Miraluka) HOMEWORLD: Bespin FACTION: Sith Empire RANK: Sith Acolyte HEIGHT: 2 M WEIGHT: 90 KG HAIR COLOR: SILVERY GREY EYE COLOR: DULL GREY (BLIND) FORCE SENSITIVE: YES STRENGTH: ███████X██...
  5. Shaddi

    Shaddi's Workshop

    Guess I'll reserve this at least.