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  1. Neera Nazneen

    Ask Coruscant Asset Retrieval

    The Mid Levels of Coruscant On the outside, the building was simple enough. A modest structure in a quieter level of the ecumenopolis. But upon entry, the interior was far more decadent; there was fine art and even finer sculptures. The client apparently fancied himself a collector, and he...
  2. Neera Nazneen

    Ask Nar Shaddaa I Got The Credits, You Got The Gun?

    Pleasure District, West of the Capital Nar Shaddaa, otherwise known as the ‘Smuggler’s Moon’. An entire world, dedicated to pirates and outlaws, operated entirely under the discretion of the Hutt cartel. Here, business was betrayal... so, why the kriff were these goons taking this so damn...