Search results

  1. Armen Westyll

    Ask Journal, Jungle, Journey, Jumanji?

    Namzor was a planet in the Mid Rim Territories. There wasn’t much on it in the database but it did have jungles anyway. Glorious stretches of rainforests amid a variety of woodland breadth, bright green in sections, darker in others. The world’s entire ecosystem was dominated by these...
  2. Armen Westyll

    Purple Light

    The Carta’blanch wasn’t among the richest restaurants in this city upon Estaria. It did yet cost a pretty penny but Armen felt he was doing well enough so whatever. He had a girl to impress as well. She went to school on this world, this star in the air. Downtown, a man found the place and set...
  3. Armen Westyll

    Open Coruscant We're Going to the Fair!

    Sitting on his sofa, sighing as though this were the most laborious task of the day, Armen picked up his comlink and found the number provided to him. He had some reaching out to do because his Master Daddy told him to and there ya have it. A bit of a loner, Padawan Westyll had been encouraged...
  4. Armen Westyll

    Open Coruscant Picking Up Beans in the Park

    There’s this pretty park on Coruscant called Pretty Park where people go to do park things like go for a walk, walk the dog, kiss on the bench, play ball and, in the waning hours of twilight, go stabby-stabby on passers-by with knives and other sharp things because of mental problems and other...