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  1. D

    I'm sorry for my absence lately. I think the training might be wearing on me, and raises a...

    I'm sorry for my absence lately. I think the training might be wearing on me, and raises a question. Do Padawans get to go on missions? Or are they restricted to just training? Also, as of May 23, I will be absent. My schedule prevents me from being online until November/December. (Military...
  2. D

    Liberated Minds

    Saia's stunt worked brilliantly. Nhala fell to the ground with surprise. "Did you... divert my push?" Dia inquired. She could have sworn her aim with the push was accurate, but she saw dust get kicked up around Saia, yet not a ripple of air touched her clothing.
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    Liberated Minds

    Dia took several steps away from the Jedi Master, stepping into the courtyard before turning to her. Dia calmed herself, and thrust her palm at the Jedi Knight. It reminded her of a game her previous master had played with her, where the goal was to push him away and keep him away for as long as...
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    Liberated Minds

    OOC: Sorry for the delay. IC: Dia was guided from the room to the temple courtyard. The air was chilly, and the plants were green. It seemed a place of peace and solitude, seperate of everything within the temple's many rooms and corridors. It was here and now that Saia asked Dia what she...
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    Liberated Minds

    Dia listened to the heartbeats, smiling inwards to herself as they lulled her. Here I am... a voice whispered faintly in her mind, somewhere in the dark, inky backdrop. Now move the chair. The voice knew the purpose for her meditation? 'Who...?' Dia thought to herself, confused as to what the...
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    Liberated Minds

    Dia frowned, and raised her head, pulling a lekku over her shoulder to lay against her back. Lowering her knees to the sides, Dia placed her hands level with her stomach and closed her eyes. Breathing in, she began her concentration. She pushed the surrounding corridors and rooms of the...
  7. D

    Liberated Minds

    Dia glanced up briefly before staring back down to her feet. "I... I didn't keep balance on the chair and lift evenly." Dia pulled her legs onto her chair and hugged them. "My master normally had me lift smaller objects and work my way up. He's never physically participated in my training...
  8. D

    Liberated Minds

    "W-What? Lift it with you on it?" Dia looked aghast. "But what if I..." Dia knew she had little option but to try. Besides, this was a Jedi Knight. There wasn't any way she could be hurt by a padawan such as Dia. "As you wish." Dia raised her hands, and focused on the chair. She could feel...
  9. D

    Liberated Minds

    "That every aspect of life in the galaxy affects the force, and every action affects those near to them, and the actions of others involved in some way. Paths cross, allowing said action to affect those uninvolved, and so on and so on until the entire galaxy is affected by a single action. And...
  10. D

    Liberated Minds

    "My master taught me the first and second pillars, but we were just beginning on the third pillar when he was called away." Dia looked at the reflection of the Knight behind her. "I'm still learning the Ataru form."
  11. D

    Liberated Minds

    Dia's eyes diverted again. "Well, he taught me the overall philosophy of the Jedi ways and how it intertwines with all life, but he focused more on the physical application." Dia took a step towards a nearby window to look out over the temple's view. "Will you be teaching me different, Saia?"
  12. D

    Liberated Minds

    "He taught me the basics of lightsaber combat, and began instructing me in Ataru. Otherwise, he helped me get to my sessions. He says I need to be more assertive and confidant in myself." Dia finally made eye contact.
  13. D

    Liberated Minds

    Dia glanced at the knight, and flashed a subtle smile before averting her eyes again. "Y-yes, I am, Mas-" She paused as the jedi introduced herself. "Saia." When Saia inquired as to what brought her to the temple, Dia glanced around the room, looking at anything but her new teacher. "My...
  14. D

    Dia Rha

    Why could I possibly be nerfed? Oo Thanks Xyrael. I'll go and do that. :)
  15. D

    Liberated Minds

    Dia Rha walked down the grand corridor of the temple. The temple was such a mysterious place, and she had rarely had time to explore its many hallways, or mingle with its denizens. Nay, she couldn't. Fear was wrapped around her like a perpetual cloak. She felt lost in the corridor, but knew why...
  16. D

    Could you be my Jedi master? :3 (I've already replied)

    Could you be my Jedi master? :3 (I've already replied)
  17. D

    Dia Rha - Requesting Master or Knight

    Yes, please. :)
  18. D

    Dia Rha

    Agreed, P.L.H. I look forward to such a meeting :)
  19. D

    Dia Rha

    Maverick pronounces it correctly :) And yes, I am a Jedi Padawan now :D I'm just waiting for someone to be my jedi master :/
  20. D

    Dia Rha

    ..... What is wrong with you people? D: