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  1. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open Galactic Senate Chandrila Assembly of the Galactic Senate

    Everyone who has spoken so far in support of the proposal and nomination had pretty much said what the Bestine governor was thinking of saying as he waited for a opportunity to cast his vote. So the governor decided to keep what he is going to say short and sweet rather than repeat what everyone...
  2. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open Galactic Senate Chandrila Assembly of the Galactic Senate

    Tyris will take a stand. This agenda is just complete bogus and highly illegal. He just couldn't sit this one out as he had done with the rest, "I agree with Governor Hipori. As far as I am aware the Senate doesn't have the authority or power to Confiscate property from any of the Senate...
  3. Tyris Thanewulf

    Ask ISC Agenda: Presentation Of The Military

    Yup. For sure now Tyris knows he probably has the worst pilots in the galaxy. Why? Well after having maintenance done on his ship to keep it in tip top shape the two fools managed to cause damage to the ship. How? Who knows. But it was enough that they had to stop to carry out basic repairs to...
  4. Tyris Thanewulf

    Ask ISC Agenda: Forming The Military

    While his and the Queen of Naboo's banter, at least he considered it, to be healthy banter. Tge rest of the discussions, which Tyris will take the blame for, became an absolute Rollercoaster towards the end with Julia and Lucas bickering. While it was entertaining while it lasted he wasn't sure...
  5. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open Night on the Town

    Tyris was taken aback a little. He didn't think anyone would have heard his name before. But then again if he is someone with connections or some otger way to get information that would explain it, proven as Hypaxian started scanning his datapad, "Yes I am that fellow. Governor of Bestine. He...
  6. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open Night on the Town

    "Sir. If someone were to ask us why you were here what should we say?" One of Tyris's pilots asked as he reached the bottom of the short ramp. Really? They are asking him on what to say? Well this is karking annoying. It really shouldn't be that hard to come up with an excuse why they are all...
  7. Tyris Thanewulf

    Ask ISC Agenda: Forming The Military

    Listening to the Queen of Naboo. Tyris thought he had better defend himself. So he stood up to address the Queen directly, "Yes. My brother is the one who has the military background. If you will allow me I will lay out why it will be better for a civilian to be secretary of defense rather than...
  8. Tyris Thanewulf

    Ask ISC Agenda: Forming The Military

    When the senator of Lahsbane finished speaking and took a seat. Tyris buttoned up his coat then tightened up his tie as he took a stand. The governor of Bestine nodded to the President, " Iwould like to begin by stating that I am of full support for this move to create a unified military. It...
  9. Tyris Thanewulf

    Ask ISC Agenda: Forming The Military

    As soon as Tyris had been summoned to Christophsis, he knew that it was something so important that he and others had been summoned for an in person meeting. Immediately the Governor cleared his schedule until further notice incase this is something that will take up all of his attention for a...
  10. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open Galactic Senate Naboo Galactic Senate: Emergency AMS Session

    Was this man, Setarkos, a politician or a bad philosopher that tried to sound smart? If he tried to obtain anything he certainly came across as an annoyance than someone who has any solutions in mind to share with others who are present. The man had the last bit all wrong anyways. It wasn't who...
  11. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open Galactic Senate Naboo Galactic Senate: Emergency AMS Session

    Well it was about time that some order was brought to the room with the Jedi stepoing to the plate. It looked like nothing was going to get accomplished at the rate everything was getting sidetracked. But as easily the discussions became a mess it can happen again after everyone casts their vote...
  12. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open Galactic Senate Naboo Galactic Senate: Emergency AMS Session

    Tyris had been quietly listening to the conversation so far. But now he felt that he must speak up. While the Jedi and Vyss were talking about working together to find a cure for the virus. There are two problems. All the planets that Vyss had suggested a snuggled deep in FWA space and second...
  13. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open ISC Session: Agenda Item: AMS

    York took the time to speak up. Seemingly understanding where Tyris's concerns are. Then the civil talk turned to squabbling. Well it is a part of politics but it is not getting anything done. Just being an annoyance. The new governor did glance over to everyone as they spoke up though to show...
  14. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open ISC Session: Agenda Item: AMS

    Well he certainly put himself in the spotlight didn't he? No matter. It was bound to happen at some point. Taking a stand the governor switched on his comms. Perhaos his proposal was too vague. Tyris didn't mean to not share information with other governments. He simply meant to prevent the...
  15. Tyris Thanewulf

    Open ISC Session: Agenda Item: AMS

    Sitting silently as he listened to Emryc speak. There was nothing that the president said that Tyris would disagree with. However that doesn't mean Tyris wasn't thinking of proposals he could put forward. He had only been recently obtained his position. It felt like a lot was riding on his...