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  1. Minerva Wren

    Time to leave

    Minerva Wren walked down a little path amongst the snowy field. In her arms the warrior carried three little children. Held on the right arm was Eisa Wren, curvy black hair with red strands and brown eyes, holding tightly to her mother’s neck. On the window’s left shoulder Jorrel and Adrian...
  2. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    The last thing Minerva felt was the stinging effect of stun bolts hitting her. She collapsed sideways, dropping the pistol. Later in custody the uncovered warrior when she woke up was privately by the authorities upon discovering her Mandalorian gear and weapons. Following a moment that nearly...
  3. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    Minerva sweared, seeing that the droid’s armor sustains itself from blasterfire. The undercovered Mandalorian was going to aim for the metal assassin's head when the latter revealed a thermal detonator and demanded they drop their blasters! Her eyes widened before narrowing with anger. It got...
  4. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    Minerva felt something hit her foot. Looking down she noted the sliver ball. Confused the undercover warrior then saw Trini looking up. Turning her glance moments later the assassin droid came into view. Acting on hard earned instinct she pushed Trini to the side with one hand while drawing her...
  5. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    Laeonas more or less confirmed he was up for treasure hunting. It’s like he is planning an expedition already. The widow thought with mild amusement. She was relieved not to have exposed any further secrets of herself. So far the others didn't realize who she truly is. Rubbing her left arm with...
  6. Minerva Wren

    Ask On the Wings of Krows

    Twisting her helm to the side, Minerva saw her would-be killers collapsed with knives impaled on them. It didn’t take for the widow but a few seconds to realize what happened before turning to face Song who walked over. The latter praised her and nodded before asking were they done tonight...
  7. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    Laeonas’ analysis was impressive, Minerva concluded. Anyone with enough experience and good sense can figure it out. Of course quickly his interest grew, more or less on the possible credits to be made. The secret Mandalorian wasn’t surprised at all by the conversation gone to that point. If I...
  8. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    Leaning back in her own seat Minerva pondered on what had been revealed. Of course she also noticed the man in the back with long black hair. As someone who had fought her share of combat and traveled the galaxy she can tell the fellow at least seemed capable enough. Also the accent was very...
  9. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    Minerva’s thoughts were interrupted by a voice meters away. Glancing over to Trini the uncovered warrior raised an eyebrow in silent shock. That is actually...pretty insightful. Not bad for an Aruetii I’ll admit. Thought Minerva, clearly impressed.. The little Amaran seemed to realize the...
  10. Minerva Wren

    Ask On the Wings of Krows

    Joining her kin Minerva gunned down without hesitation that came into view, weapons or not. A swift death was the only mercy they will receive from Lady Fhirdiad tonight. Like Song she quickly noted the towering man coming out of the clearing. She felt the ground shake as their enemy let his...
  11. Minerva Wren

    Ask To Break a Tyrant: Lakeside Assault

    The Wren warriors soon enough linked up with Skjorn’s party. Charging behind the latter Minerva said nothing while gripping her blaster in both hands. Her heart pounded as they advanced through the tunnel. Skrjorn proceeded to explain further their next objective. In the midst of the rush she...
  12. Minerva Wren

    Tabloid Galaxies Spiciest Ships!

    Inside her quarters Minerva sat on the bed, wearing a green sleeveless shirt and pants. Holding a datapad with both hands Minerva had been looking for leads on holonet when she discovered a photo of herself and Reiel in armor. Concerned, she checked out the two following videos. At the end of...
  13. Minerva Wren

    Ask The Million Crowns of Tion - Part I

    Sitting a few feet in front of Trini on the right hand side was a human wearing an outfit that would peg her as just another spacer. Leaning on the side of the chair her intense brown eyes looked out the window. The polluted soil and the massive fumes that covered much of the sky would give an...
  14. Minerva Wren

    Ask On the Wings of Krows

    Seeing the thermal detonators in the dying man’s hands Minerva swore in Mand’oa. Acting on instinct she turned and activated her jetpack. Flying forth Lady Fhirdiad aimed straight for Song. Immediately she tackled her by the waist just as the detonators ignited into a furious blast. The pair...
  15. Minerva Wren

    Open Mandalore War Preparations

    Shrugging her shoulders Minerva watched the exchange in renewed silence. A few years ago she never really met many fellow Mandalorians. But that first moot on Mandalore and subsequent events changed everything for her. To think she had only been a wandering mercenary without a clan at that time...
  16. Minerva Wren

    Ask Consortium of Struggle

    Just as Minerva thought they were in trouble, Reiel intervened. Her fellow Mandalorian’s quick thinking with the lightsaber both saves Carrick and eliminates the zombie. While Reiel checked on the senator Minerva kept her blaster at the ready and looked around for more hostiles. So far none...
  17. Minerva Wren

    Ask On the Wings of Krows

    Underneath the helmet Minerva’s eyes narrowed at the defiant warlord. This dar’manda scum dares to lecture us?! My husband was tortured to death by those similar to his raiders. Without warning her hidden blade came out from one of the gauntlets. She intended to cut out his hypocrite tongue then...
  18. Minerva Wren

    Ask On the Wings of Krows

    The hidden blade retracted back into Minerva’s gauntlet. She said in nothing as Song praised her work, occupied with scanning their surroundings. All it can take is someone to spot them right here and the alarm will sound off. Fortunately she saw no one else but stood sentry allowing Song to go...
  19. Minerva Wren

    Ask On the Wings of Krows

    Following Song’s example and quickly burying her dead enemy in snow Minerva then moved out. In the back of her mind she thought with a grin. Being away from the clan hadn’t softened her. Then again I should know I roamed the galaxy as well before meeting Armand. From what Minerva noted Song was...
  20. Minerva Wren

    Ask To Break a Tyrant: Lakeside Assault

    “Acknowledged, we’re on our way.” Minerva responded back to Skjorn’s next directive. Turning off the commlink she turned to Calen who was still beside his departed sister. “It should’ve been me. It should’ve been me.” The youth muttered in self-guilt. Placing her left hand on Calen’s shoulders...