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  1. Jacen Cordro

    Ask Stray Dog Strut

    The Prodigal Son, Lounge Hyperspace, Outer Rim 1845 Jacen’s baby blue eyes flicked back and forth over the iridescent screen of his datapad. His self-satisfied smirk was replaced by a furrowed brow as he skimmed the information sprawling across the screen. The BoSS was a staple in the universe...
  2. Jacen Cordro

    Ask Corellia Blood Sport

    Corellia Coronet City 0400 Corellia the planet known for cocky pilots, shitty living conditions, and starships. Jacen stepped out onto the balcony of his hotel room and took in the undulating clouds of smog listing across the cityscape. A self-satisfied smirk adorned his face as he leaned...
  3. Jacen Cordro

    Ask Nar Shaddaa Hello There

    The Smuggler’s Moon Nick’s 2300 A cigar hung loose in Jacen Cordro’s lips as he scanned the patrons of the dive from his vantage point at the bar. His attention flitted between newcomers and his datapad as he scanned the roster of eligible delinquents like himself. He liked this spot. It was...