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  1. Kanan Marek

    Ask Sundered Nests

    Snow had begun to fall upon the mountainside, spreading across the earth like a pure wool blanket. Delicate and soft, it was water in its most eloquent form. A cleansing powder, sent not only to revitalize the soil but to refresh the hearts of men. If not to refresh, then to reinvigorate the...
  2. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    Arata was right. Following Ivory was a risky move that could possibly alert her would-be stalker. Or anyone else on the streets for that matter. There was no telling what kind of dirt she held on the locals, and they wouldn't be happy if they knew she'd been talking to rangers and Jedi...
  3. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    Thanks to Arata's Jedi mind tricks, the bartender was helpful and somewhat forthcoming. At least the Jedi Order had taught the Padawan a thing or two before sending him off on his first mission without so much as a weapon. Together, the unlikely pair approached the corner of the bar where, upon...
  4. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    The Sector Ranger couldn't help but laugh to himself. The idea of him teaching a Jedi was an image too humorous to ignore. Kanan didn't know the first thing about the force, let alone about being a Jedi. The Jedi Order must have truly been desperate to hand Arata off to a non force sensitive...
  5. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    Kanan stood back and watched Arata, silent as the Jedi Padawan did his own thing. The teenager's confidence and the ease with which he handled a difficult situation made it hard to believe that this was his first mission, and yet it was. Doctor D'romask arched an eyebrow as she stared at the...
  6. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    Doctor D'romask signaled her agreement with Arata by nodding her head a few times. "Yes, a surgeon would possess the anatomical knowledge necessary to inflict this type of mutilation." Briefly, Kanan's brown eyes met those of the teenager's. The Sector Ranger said nothing, but the subtle...
  7. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    Kanan was already beginning to regret his suggestion to "speak up if you have anything to say," but what was done was done. At least the teenager was taking an interest in the case, which was more than Kanan had expected from him. When he'd first laid eyes on the sixteen year old boy, he'd half...
  8. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    The Jedi Order and Sector Rangers truly had thrown Arata in the deep end of the pool and expected him to swim. Either they had an inordinate amount of faith in the teenager or he was eager to prove his worth. Perhaps both. In the face of Sith invasions and entire planets getting glassed, a...
  9. Kanan Marek

    Ask Murder, She Wrote

    The planet of Ord Mantell had a unique reputation, and none of it good. Comparing it to the ecumenopolis of Nar Shaddaa might have been an unfair and harsh assessment of the mountainous planet, but the comparison was not wholly unwarranted. From the shores of its capital Worlport to the...
  10. Kanan Marek

    Ask Sundered Nests

    Oddly enough, the Mandalorian did not offer any resistance to Kanan. He did not fight back, and he did not make a sound. Naturally, there was only one conclusion that could be drawn. The Mandalorian was unmoved and unworried. The Sector Ranger realized this, but there weren't a lot of other...
  11. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    Kanan couldn't help but chuckle. The Sector Ranger had never liked tea, particularly hot tea. His mother had attempted to inspire an interest and desire for tea in him as a child but without much luck. In the years since, he'd never drunk a cup when he could avoid it, and he wasn't about to...
  12. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    Unsure whether he was expected to respond or not, Kanan decided to remain silent. He no longer felt like vocalizing his thoughts, not when they already caused such turmoil within. Still willing to try to put his best foot forward and give Amos McCord a chance, however, he did the next thing and...
  13. Kanan Marek

    Ask Sundered Nests

    Kanan continued to inch his way to the doorway, eventually coming to rest a few feet away from the only exit out of this heap of frozen metal. The Mandalorian's words caught him off guard, but Kanan did not allow his surprise to show on his face. Was it really that obvious that he cared for...
  14. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    "Death." Kanan's brown eyes darted to the Sector Ranger seated across from him, his gaze hard and accusing. The disapproving look was gone the next moment, however, as he reminded himself that Amos McCord was not the enemy. He was merely trying to help Kanan, as hard as that was for Kanan to...
  15. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    Kanan watched Amos McCord rummage through the papers piled high atop his desk, the corners of his mouth twitching up in an amused smile. The cluttered office and papers strewn about the room made Amos McCord seem a little bit more human. He was more than just a ranger sitting behind a desk...
  16. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    "I suppose you're right," Kanan conceded, shifting in his seat to lean back again and get as comfortable as possible. Every ranger knew that their personal life would bleed over into their work life from time to time. It was inevitable. Kanan had always been a dedicated Sector Ranger, but...
  17. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    Kanan listened to Amos' explanation, considering his words. The ranger opposite him seemed genuine enough. Kanan did not doubt his sincerity, nor his commitment to the job and the people that walked in and out of his office on a day to day basis. It was clear to see that Amos McCord wanted to...
  18. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    Kanan couldn't contain the entertained smile that spread across his lips at the question put forth. When he had walked into this office a few minutes ago, the Sector Ranger had not expected a battle of wits. He had not expected Amos McCord to be so persistent and to put up a fight. McCord...
  19. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    Kanan listened, unsure where this line of dialogue was headed but eventually drawing the analogy that McCord put forth. The ranger seated comfortably behind his desk was persistent, but so was Kanan. The two rangers were worlds apart from one another by all apearances, but perhaps they had more...
  20. Kanan Marek

    Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

    With the click of a button, the doors of the office slid shut. This was it. No turning back now. A small huff escaped him at the thought, and he slid deeper into the depths of the recliner as if that would somehow save him. His dark eyes bounced around the office, wandering from one box to...