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  1. Etr Wyara

    Ask Coruscant Big Iron

    The Air of the Cantinaa was filled with smoke and the smell of liquor. I was a few levels higher than 1313, to meet with another Mandalorian who bad pinged me with a message saying he wanted into the fight for the independence of Mandalore. His name was familiar though We had met only Briefly...
  2. Etr Wyara

    Ask By The Rivers Of Babylon, Road to Redemption Chapter 1

    Jii Adenn katyise ganar slanar bat munit taabir. Kaysh ltirahyav cuyir yaihi'l be katoupr! Biay haast sur'haai hwa nalya bu'lya'ye bal biay raskr malyasa'yr nalya su. At ba'slanar ibic hra'ne jag teh katoupr yu cuun spirba. Akay, 'kay va kaysh atyaor chur a'uym te'r nakar'tuur. [Now Adenn, so...