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  1. Dale Kurt

    Ask Nar Shaddaa [Part 1] An Unlikely Alliance

    DALE KURT Dale waiting in the hanger where he was instructed to go to, he had gotten a job offer and from the look of it, it was a nice and easy job, smuggle a bounty hunter onto a planet and then get them out, simple and clean. The only issue was his ship didn't have passenger space, only...
  2. Dale Kurt

    [Part 1: The Meeting] The Spice Must flow

    DALE KURT The Slicer's Vice was Dale's favorite bar on Nar Shaddaa, not saying much because he hated most bars on the moon, it reminded him too much of the bars back at home. But Nar Shadda was closest to the place Dale was renting out, and over the month or so where he lived on the moon, he had...