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  1. Darth Malicia

    HoloNet News Breaking News: Sith Lose Sullust!!!

    The news of Sullust falling was, obviously, a big blow to the Sith. First Byblos, which fell squarely in the lap of Darth Stolas, now this, which most Sith probably put squarely on the lap of Darth Vyrassu, but Malicia blamed The Eternal more than anyone else. The creature did next to nothing...
  2. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    She was surprised when he said to get in. The soft feel of the towel against her curling fingers brought her gaze back down. She'd even brought a towel for Emryc, but she smiled softly after a second. It was thoughtful of him to run a bath for her. "Okay," she answered his command without any...
  3. Darth Malicia

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    Malicia wasn't sure how she felt about the "Good" comment from Stolas. She didn't need a "good" from him. She wasn't answering his questions in a way to please him, they were simply her answers. The lord certainly had a way of triggering the unsavoury parts of her nature. More than that, on the...
  4. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    Malicia took a seat in the chair while Emryc ate his apple, breathing out as she eased into the seat. She'd almost forgotten about some of Emryc's traits, but she understood that he took his time to answer sometimes, when he did. She looked up at him when he began to answer then promptly looked...
  5. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    Nothing could fix it? Her gaze lowered slightly. She wanted to believe there was a way to help. The Force could do incredible things, but she didn't want to push the subject. Not that she was able to linger on the subject. She shifted suddenly when he commented about his beard, her body...
  6. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    The small Sith's yellows rose to Emryc again when he fell silent. She could clearly see that he was tense and it seemed like he was in deep thought as well, though she wasn't entirely sure why. Her eyes travelled back to the datapad and a thought struck her. The report flashed in her eyes...
  7. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    Emryc's calm voice helped. That he wasn't bothered with the subject matter somehow eased the guilt and worries that had plagued her on the way here. Pale, balled up hands wiped away tears from her eyes. With some focus she was able to reel herself back. "I don't care that your surname isn't...
  8. Darth Malicia

    Ask Far From Disturbance

    A few thoughts went through her mind when the Jedi explained his orders lax recruiting tactics and how he'd come to be part of it. They were thoughts she decided to put aside for a few moments, and while he spoke she pulled out her datapad, typing but listening. At his last question she put...
  9. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    Even if she couldn't see or sense any change in him, his silence worried her. She tried to focus on the edges of the datapad for the time being, and on her slow movements as she traced her finger around it. His voice broke the silence. When she looked up again she tipped her head curiously...
  10. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    At least he hadn't reacted poorly when she mentioned she'd made a mistake, not that it couldn't change. But her focus shifted from the subject when Emryc visibly lit up. She couldn't help but light up herself and feel a small bit of pride in being able to pick up on his like of veggies and...
  11. Darth Malicia

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    Now, because of her upbringing there were certain experiences she'd never had. But cattiness in a courtly setting? THAT was something she had experience with. Nobles breathed air and cattiness. Nobles drank wine and cattiness. She was certain she missed jabs sometimes, but there was no way to...
  12. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    Even though he didn't answer right away, Malicia remained standing, still, quietly and waited until his answer came. She recognized that voice. It was him. Despite how frosty his answer was, it was difficult to focus on that aspect. She had to fight back how glad she was to see him. So much so...
  13. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Message

    The village and its earthy smells reminded Malicia of some places she'd trekked in the past, when she'd devoted almost every second of her life to growing the order and by doing so a future Empire. But this village was so obscure and tucked away that, thinking on it, it made sense why it took...
  14. Darth Malicia

    Ask Korriban An Invitation

    The small council member looked at the Nightsister. Malicia was surprised and it reflected on her face, though shortly after she smiled. The smile had an unusual softness to it and that softness travelled all the way to the councillors eyes. "It wasn't rude," Malicia answered unusually softly...
  15. Darth Malicia

    Ask Far From Disturbance

    So he was Jedi, a fact that peaked her curiosity more. She'd never had the chance to simply speak to one outside of combat. She understood their job was to kill her, so it wasn't an opportunity she thought she'd get outside of a Jedi in a prison cell. "Hair combs?" Malicia echoed rhetorically...
  16. Darth Malicia

    Ask Korriban An Invitation

    Malicia lowered the jewellery box, nodding at the Nightsisters comments and turning to see the woman pause outside the dressing room. "If you want to wear more airy clothing around the palace, such as that dress, you're free to do so," Malicia commented at first, before Renfry went in and took...
  17. Darth Malicia

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    Renfry's thanks was met with a nod from Malicia, "Of course." Regardless of her being seemingly happy with the invitation, the Nightsister didn't seem that interested in dancing. That was, at least, something Malicia had come to expect from her friend. Either way, she had wanted to offer the...
  18. Darth Malicia

    Open Dromund Kaas Imperial Ball: Nights Indulgence

    Not every man and woman that entered caught Malicia's attention, but they caught her cultists attention. Her many cultists in front of the throne noted who had arrived, where they had gone and committed what was important to memory. They'd disperse later and continue this throughout the night...
  19. Darth Malicia

    Ask Far From Disturbance

    Sensing the Force, Malicia's mind was pulled towards it, as was her body as she turned around to look at the scene. His use of the Force did not have a dark signature, in fact she felt the Light Side instead, despite the aggressive display. Either he was an independent Force user of some sort...
  20. Darth Malicia

    Ask A Gift

    The lord went on to explain that he was with Raze. Maybe he thought that was enough information, but it only left her with more questions. Why was he getting this information from her and not Raze? Why was this news upsetting to him? Clearly Raze did as he pleased, and she assumed that included...