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  1. Beskin Rytt

    cin vhetin (fresh start)

    The boy shook his head and gave a childish affirmative, vhettir was a tiny backwater to be sure, but He and Timmen had traveled everywhere from mandalore to concord dawn and everywhere in between selling arms and armor. "YEAH! me and my father used to come to these kinds of places all the time...
  2. Beskin Rytt

    cin vhetin (fresh start)

    Besk'in dropped his smile and the cube as he gasped "A jedi, me?! But im not a bad guy!" He knew she WAS a jedi but had assumed shed joined the mandalorians. His uncle, Dhern, was a jedi hunter in his youth and would often tell of how the jedi were soulless Dar'Manda, even regaling at one time...
  3. Beskin Rytt

    A Librarian’s Duty

    Besk'in focused on the cube again, he felt it move and heard it get blown over. the red hue formed in his mind and he blurted it out as soon as he saw it. Upon seeing the red cube he was awestruck. "Woah, thats so weird! How do you do that?! But you cheated! You pushed the die!" He xhalleneged...
  4. Beskin Rytt

    A Librarian’s Duty

    Besk'in became very excited, he loved playing with Chance cubes! sometimes for fun, other times hed compete with other children for prizes whether their allowances or sweets and now guessing what the color was? That was a game he hadnt heard of. "Sure." He responded as he closed his eyes. He...