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  1. Julias Tannaras

    Master and God.

    Planet- Brentaal Location- The Private Estates of Julias Tannaras Date; Year 15 of the Galact Republic's Refounding, 523 after the conquest of Andraste Twelfth Month, Third Week, Second Day. It was a pleasant thing, waking like this. The childhood laughter he himself had long ago once known...
  2. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    "Wandered have I the stars forever, and came upon no way for my return. That name I'd heard in conversation, of kindness I'd yet to learn. Life was that of an endless nightmare, but your help hath led me home again. Is it fate that we travel this road, or has fate been brought to heel?" He'd...
  3. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    "You carry the title Jedi," was all Julias had to respond with, a flicker of a smile on his face suddenly. "Despite all the Sith have done for the galaxy, it's the Jedi who are seen as good, it's the Jedi who are revered and loved and adored. The people of Brentaal hardly care, but whichever...
  4. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    It was strange to him that she still did not realize where it was that he came from. Almost alien, in a way. How could she shy away from the idea of power? Of victory? Sure, she may have been conditioned against pursuing those goals, but how many stories were there of Jedi turning to the dark...
  5. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    "You don't understand the ways of the Sith- and that is to be expected. Your order has been preaching that we have only ever been totally evil, selfish and monstrous for all recorded time." Julias would say with a shrug, smirking a bit. "But you must surely understand this- a Sith's ultimate...
  6. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    He could sense the slightest twinge of anger from his words, and he would silently smirk. This was the beginning. Julias himself had also been quite annoying by Iden's remarks. When she had said that a life not devoted to sacrifice and helping others was "in vain" it had struck a chord deep...
  7. Julias Tannaras


    Location- Hanna City, Capital of Chandrila -Year 508-Month 11-Week 4-Day 6- This was not the first time he had landed on this world. Chandrila was close to home- a single jump away, to be precise. It reminded him much of his own world, but with several different qualities that made it...
  8. Julias Tannaras

    Long Lost, but Home Again.

    Galactic Standard Year 508 Month 12, Week 1, Day 4 The hyperlane between the Worlds of Chandrilla, and Brentaal There was a leak in his ship. He could feel it- the presence of a drop from a pipe within the hull. It ran down the pipe below it, before it finally, slowly, and excruciatingly...
  9. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    The words rolled off her tongue with the conviction of a schoolgirl reciting lines in a play. As the wind began to flick at Julias' hair, he'd let out a soft chuckle. And than he would laugh. "Childish sentiment from a childish belief system from a childishly foolish set of morals, perpetuated...
  10. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    He did not initially appear to be preempted for any of the various responses that she would throw at him, but silently, he was preparing for an attack. His free hand's fingers twisted and gnarled as they prepared to possibly use the force against any attacks. Julias considered what would work...
  11. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    "Curse it all." He thought. She was still sharp, and she was still detecting everything. Even something so seemingly innocent like this hadn't escaped her. "I know my history," Julias quickly countered, taking a deep breathe. He had gotten a bit overzealous towards the end. "The groups are...
  12. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    While Iden may have felt dissapointed at Julias’ viewpoints, The young Sith felt wholly opposed to virtually everything she had just said. There had been an absolute minimum in terms of armed conflict over the past five hundred years up until the mandalorians had begun their little crusade...
  13. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    "Hush litel kildre, Don't ye crie! I am that voice neath youre pillowe, I sunge tille the day awafes, A brighte light in the haefen's sfy." It had been at an opera all the way back on coruscant when he had first heard that song. Ages ago now, it felt. He had to have been five or six. The...
  14. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    The master stroke. Silently, he was cackling with laughter, bellowing, reveling in his deception. It was sometimes shocking to even himself when he lied so thoroughly well that whoever was on the other end found themselves totally convinced. Maybe he was to good at lying. Maybe he had gone a...
  15. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    Many a person would probably think it would be the aristocratic 22 year old whose primary sense of right and wrong came from the phrase "Does it feel good?" would be the one to seem like he was being overtly deceptive. Yet it seemed as if though Iden was the one who best fit Julias' description...
  16. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    Julias was already finding this game to be quite a fun one. He would sit down fully now, a smirk on his face. This was getting fun- exciting even. He was beginning to wonder what exactly she was- maybe she was another Sith? Unlikely; he'd never seen her at the academy, and she didn't look like...
  17. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    That look. That accusatory glare. His mind was still wracked by emotion, skewed in a variety of different directions, and paranoia had returned in full swing. She had felt it. All of it. He could sense it. There was no doubt in his mind. But... "NO. Do you really think she would ask such a...
  18. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    "It wasn't excessive," the Sith replied, looking down at the new bit of cheese she had offered him. Silently, he would take it and continue eating. There was a flickering in his eyes she hadn't noticed until now. It was almost like a fire, burning hot. It only appeared for a few seconds before...
  19. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    "I speak much of myself, I now realize. But we may not be allotted such vasts amount of time together that I might be able to give you all I have told over the course of time in a more well paced manner. I know that I will make my stay here for a not at all protracted length." He would say...
  20. Julias Tannaras

    An unrelaxing Vacation.

    The belongings of a traveler. Reassuring; there was nothing especially different about her after all. "I hadn't noticed it, but I have found myself quite a bit famished. I would happily have some of what you're offering." He'd say, courteous in his reply. Turning around, he would reach under...