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  1. Miha Archan

    Locating the Temple

    Miha couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when he saw just much red was on the map. "Are we expecting any encounters with Imperials? This close by, we might not be the only ones looking for the temple." While he was more than happy to take a few more Imperialists out of this war, Miha wasn't...
  2. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    The disapproval was plain to see on Miha's face as he shook his head He's sounding like a diplomat now, all these euphemisms. When Kyi explained how his education had been lacking, Miha chewed over the ramifications of what that meant, before sighing deeply. "Despite my best efforts, I'd find it...
  3. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    Miha shuffled his arms back through his sleeves as Kyi told his story, "I lost every fight I had when I was your age, in fact I never learned how to use the force externally." Taking a short puff on his pipe, he elaborated, "Don't cling to the force, it's a powerful ally, but power has to lie...
  4. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    As was usual for the mercenary, Miha waved off any apologies and sympathies, "Another day another credit, they can't kill me, just keep on feeding me." He was pleased to see his guest's eyes light up with recognition He's been paying attention then. He thought to himself, adding "She's good...
  5. Miha Archan

    Laying Low

    Miha had just finished swiping the droplets of blood from his sword, and was just about to cut into the Jedi's lecture when he was interrupted by a beeping that couldn't mean anything good. Miha was about to leap from the porch when an unseen force reached out and hurled him away just a moment...
  6. Miha Archan

    [Atlas] Giving It A Shot - Social

    A good thing about working for yourself is that when you don’t want to work, you don’t have to. Money is nice of course, but sometimes a little freedom was its own kind of salary. Miha had been in the area dropping off a supply of Potters Ash to this sector, and when he found himself with a...
  7. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    As he continued his story Miha tucked his arms inside his robe, with his right arm emerging from the frontal opening to hold his pipe. "Can't say for sure just what Xzaien was, she claimed to be part of the Medriaasi Order, but I've only found hearsay on them so far." When Kyi probed deeper...
  8. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    "Almost." Miha repeated again with emphasis, punctuating the word with a plume of smoke. "I think I only killed about eight people to get off it," he scratched his neck as he attempted to recall, "but between number two and three, I stopped at a restaurant for a meal." Miha raised a finger from...
  9. Miha Archan

    Show me the money honey

    Miha stopped just behind the group, taking a small step back as Cardinal turned towards him. He apologetically shrugged in response to the comments, “Just making conversation, Boss Man;” Miha checked his watch as he continued, “I’ve got no doubts about your rationale, I was just curious to hear...
  10. Miha Archan

    Laying Low

    Evidently he’d overestimated his assailants, in a group they could have overwhelmed him, but they were poorly coordinated. Within seconds, his companion had taken out the majority of the combatants, leaving only one left to him. As the final assassin charged, he smashed the flying cigarra butt...
  11. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    Miha had just served himself a cup of the sweet blue tea when Kyi asked about what he’d been up to. He drank quickly as he tried to come up with an answer, eventually setting the cup down and replying. “I’ll be honest, after a while it all tends to blur together.” With a shrug he packed his pipe...
  12. Miha Archan

    Locating the Temple

    When he’d learnt the mission would be to Spintir, Miha had done his own research, mostly geographical survey data. Jedi didn’t typically import materials, they used what the land had to offer; But when it came to building large structures, only certain materials and conditions would do. Miha...
  13. Miha Archan

    Laying Low

    Miha rose up alongside his temporary fighting partner, pulling his long sword free of his sash, he pressed it out the scabbard with a thumb. There was something beautiful about these moments, even the birds fell silent for just a few seconds. It was a red bird taking flight that broke the...
  14. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    As the kid stepped through the door, Miha got a good look at Kyi for the first time in over five years. He’s taller, that’s for sure. Though stature only had one small part in how Kyi had changed since they’d last met, He’s still only half grown, but maybe... His train of thought was interrupted...
  15. Miha Archan

    Show me the money honey

    Miha entered the door just as the last the last of the security had been disarmed, peering over his head he checked no unlucky civilian was crossing the street by the bank, before waving one of his colleagues over to keep watch while he joined the Cardinal’s group. He shadowed his employer as...
  16. Miha Archan

    Tea Time Chat

    Miha sat reclined in his Garden, a room that was two dozen paces long, and half as wide. Plants were difficult to look after when you spend most of your time being shot at, so he’d built a rock garden instead: A wide level field of gravel and pebbles kept meticulously smooth, dotted with large...
  17. Miha Archan

    Heart And Mind

    Aleen was a thing of beauty, peaceful, the kind of place where you felt like you could just take off and glide along the winds. Now she was all craters and rouble, the Empire might have been driven off her surface weeks ago, but the smoke still choked the skyline for miles around. Miha had been...
  18. Miha Archan

    Laying Low

    "I was." Came Miha's curt reply, fishing a silver medallion out of one of his pouches and holding it up to the light, "Met a Devil by the name of Xzaien, assuming I pronounced that name right. I would've liked to have taken her head, but this calling card will have to do for now." Evidently that...
  19. Miha Archan

    Show me the money honey

    Miha had abandoned his robes for a suit off the rack at a charity shop, it was a size too small and it needed three washes to get the smell of stairwell piss out of it, but it was cheap and so bland eyes would’ve glazed right over it. Bank robberies were a delicate art, when played right they...
  20. Miha Archan

    Locating the Temple

    It’d been a while since Miha had a job like this, five years, maybe more by now. Back then he’d been a soldier for the Empire, assigned as a bodyguard for a researcher investigating graves and abandoned citadels. He wasn’t on speaking terms with his old employer now. It seemed like he’d have...