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  1. Rohana Feyre

    Silence is Golden

    Theme Archives of Jedha's provincial city Jedha was an ancient world; its sands were older than civilizations built amongst them. Pilgrims from all walks of life seemed to gravitate here and with them, they brought knowledge. Some say a pious king started the planet's archives, that every...
  2. Rohana Feyre

    Welcome to the Jungle

    Theme Outskirts of the city Rohana was in a foul mood - this wasn't unusual though, given her rather sour disposition. But recent events had only furthered added to her natural ire. Not only that but she had been left with a broken arm and wounded pride. She was still nursing the injury, her...
  3. Rohana Feyre

    Sorry - Invite Only

    Theme Auction House, Invite Only Chandrila, a small planet with calm seas and rolling hills; at its heart stood the capital, a cluster of glittering spires and fine architecture. Voyagers in their thousands flocked to this idyllic world, seeking to enjoy all the comforts and luxuries up on...
  4. Rohana Feyre

    Giants among men

    Theme Nar Shaddaa was everything Rohana expected it to be; a cesspool of debauchery, riddled with every conceivable vice. Slavery. Smuggling. Spice. This place was hardly befitting a lady of her status. And yet, here she was, rubbing shoulders with some of the galaxy's most nefarious cretins...
  5. Rohana Feyre

    Lady + Mechanic + Rabbit = Jedi?

    Theme Location: Dorin Dorin, such a dark and dusty looking planet. Rohana could hardly stand it look at it. Onderon was far more stimulating; in its earliest ages of civilization, Onderon was a world marked with beautifully savage jungles. Always, Rohana thought fondly of her home. Dorin, on...