Search results

  1. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Mand'alor's Mask: Knowing Is Half The Battle

    Wyatt spun the pad around to himself and looked on at the company assorted and present, turning his attention to Burkhart and picking up the datapad to offer forward "Good, if you have some knowledge take this and see what you can glean, connect the dots if you can. We can reconvene on the...
  2. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Requiem for the Fallen

    Wyatt's heart broke like it was the day in space watching Medriaas being bombarded from orbit, the words coming from her mouth made his heart pound in his ears as he looked around for the steward or babysitter as he fancied how they had been watched. Someone had to tell this woman about Cale but...
  3. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Badgering Moff Jeeeeenkins

    Wyatt retrieved his saber from the door of the LAV and followed his brothers up to Ruds position where the wounded warrior was being tended to. He landed on the roof and found his way to the nearest speeder and made off to scout the exfil path ahead of the group to avoid anyone being caught by...
  4. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus


    Wyatt had indeed committed to his downward plunge but when his sword had not found purchase in her thigh but instead ran along her leg cutting the skin, he saw her attack coming. His eyes already low as he had to be looking where he was stabbing and as he moved his free hand to try and grab hers...
  5. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus


    He hadn't been pressing down with great force so much as he had delivered a counter strike made to send her blade back and across her body from where it came in order to subdue free use of her left arm. It had worked and she had retracted expecting him to still be pressuring her. But when she...
  6. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus


    As Wyatt proceeded around her left side Raz turned to face him and in almost the same motion lunged into his guard delivering a horizontal strike. Inverting his blade and grabbing the blunt side with his right hand Wyatt would catch the strike and deflect it aiming to send her sword arm back...
  7. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus


    Wyatt had finished removing his equipment as Raz did, having handed off his jetpack, unholstering his weapons and unslinging his bandoleer, his armor was bare beyond its normal stature and in his left hand his drawn beskad. Wyatt felt no malice towards his Alor she was one who had given him the...
  8. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus


    Wyatt was among the crowd gathered, those from the many clans under the great houses gathered here today as well at the request of Daniel. He listened as the young man gave his speech and followed it with his bid, the one in which he was their leader which apparently quickly did not sit well...
  9. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Mand'alor's Mask: Knowing Is Half The Battle

    Ary stayed close and Burkhart began making a call, likely in an attempt to work his own avenue towards the goal, one Wyatt appreciated the support in immensely. He then refocused on the task at hand and followed the young archivist to the main desk where he moved around it and began working on a...
  10. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    All-a-tov cocktails

    Theme Wyatt stood tall with his personal team of Mandalorians, the same men who'd accompanied him on Corellia with Dio and the strange alien rebel leader Mig. The men sported the same armor as Wyatt with shades of grey and red markings, they bore a distorted mythosaur on the left shoulder and...
  11. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Bounty: Theron Vhan - The Wife

    Raz had made her move and it was to the displeasure of the woman who'd just barbecued a man, arguably he had started it but she quickly ended it. In an attempt to stay as far away from all of that as he could Wyatt stepped into the doorway and kept along the far wall from the bedrooms door...
  12. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    The Strike (Pt. 3)

    ”Strike Team Wraith, this is Wraith Actual we’re pulling out exfil in two, get to the ship and prepare for rapid re-insert.” Wyatt said into his commlink as he retreated at a slow jog allowing his men to pass by him much quicker as the tower had a secondary explosion of some sort. The rebels...
  13. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    The Cursed Caves

    Dice Wyatt pushed up from his location with the opening and offered a blaster bolt pair at the nearest target, one of the two witches who’d tryed to fry him and taking her out of the fight as she slumped over backwards falling on a rock and rolling off to the side. The second target however took...
  14. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Bluurg & Co. Cleaning Services

    Leading the way Wyatt kept to the right side and avoided making long eye contact with anyone, just a nod or a greeting as they made through the halls to the tendril. Turning to Raz at her comments and saying “I’ll gladly handle the droid.” With smile and a sarcastic tone, remembering back to...
  15. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Badgering Moff Jeeeeenkins

    Wyatt took in the sight of the blaster bolt as the grenades left his hands, and as he tried to get back into cover the bolt was coming for his center mass approximently. His shot was slightly off kilter as the concussion grenade detonated, the round bouncing off the nose of the front LAV and...
  16. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    House Solus

    Today was one of great renown for Solus, they moved from Clan to House and in the eyes of the Mandalorian peoples there were few accomplishments greater in the lifetime of a Mandalorian. Wyatt was present, approaching through the tents he eyed the banners of the various clans Elder, Sexon, Rau...
  17. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Bounty: Theron Vhan - The Wife

    With his helmets recorder still running Wyatt looked on at the carnage as the cab slammed into a nearby wall likely possessing three corpses as he did not see anyone move; but he was not so stupid as to leave things to chance. Activating his jetpack as he came to a standing position he moved...
  18. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Mand'alor's Mask: Knowing Is Half The Battle

    With the greetings from his compatriots Wyatt turned his helmet to break the seal and reached back allowing it to magnetize to his backpack/jetpack combo and nodded in approval of their presence. "Glad to have you along, Diocletian may join us inside or he might show up later; but in the...
  19. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Mand'alor's Mask: Knowing Is Half The Battle

    Journey to the archives in Keldabe, there is your best chance at finding even a thread of evidence the mask still remains on Mandalore. I dread to say it, but you may learn the mask does not even exist anymore; you know how the Sith can be when it comes to punishing their subjects. Wyatt...
  20. Wyatt Kebiin-Solus

    Calling out Aks-Ree

    Wyatt had certainly taken a good position as his presence had gone unnoticed by the men held up inside. Wyatt would queue his comm link as a transmission request came over, ignoring the open line Wyatt began to speak to his team as he creeped toward the window from the side keeping out of a...