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  1. Arda Breaux

    Cast Into Crimson

    He returned with speed and ambition, the warrior searched for justification in his fight as he returned to the Grandmaster with two blades now. He swung and she met his blade keeping him from pressing further into his attack, she parried, a bit of strength aided by the Force to knock back his...
  2. Arda Breaux

    Cast Into Crimson

    The light surrounding her had dimmed, she could no longer feel the Jedi left in the temple fighting with her, they had all passed. The soldiers who fought along side them continued their fight creating an open invitation for the Mandalorian forces to grant them mercy by their blood gods. Jedha...
  3. Arda Breaux

    Cast Into Crimson

    Chaos, yet harmony... Another bombing run shook the temple, more of structure cracking and crumbling over its weakened state and it was enough of a hit for the Grandmaster to stumble in her footing. She ducked and rolled out of more falling debris, coming up to a knealing position before...
  4. Arda Breaux

    Cast Into Crimson

    Ignorance, yet knowledge... Life was never as dichotomous as one wished it to be, it was clearly up to the choice of the self and not anyone else to make that decision and for Arda Breaux, she had faulted in her own biases. It was what made them... for lack of a better term, human in a galaxy...
  5. Arda Breaux

    It's All Relative

    Arda felt a little taken aback by the Chancellor's response, her smile bringing a relief to the Grandmaster as Keira continued, explaining her position and the one the Republic had their hand forced into with the declaration by the Manda'lor. She declared no formal alliances and Arda could sense...
  6. Arda Breaux

    A Starting Point

    She could see the disappointment within the Senator as he unclasped his hands and his shoulders dropped. It was the safest option for now, Arda knew what the Mandalorians were capable of, and she did not take their threats to her Order as empty. If they were able to hunt the Order to near...
  7. Arda Breaux

    All the Knowledge in the Galaxy

    Arda grinned at his quip and followed him when he gestured for her to move along. She tilted her head in curiosity as they went further into the library back to a turbolift where they headed down into the basement levels. She could sense his demeanor change, his eyes spoke mostly, but Arda did...
  8. Arda Breaux

    Liar In The Lion's Den

    Indeed, Arda was having an easier time... They had moved to a large table and Arda was not too excited when other pirates joined in to listen to her story about escaping Imperial custody. Though the ale and enthusiasm for anti-Empire shenanigans was keeping them hooked, she made sure their...
  9. Arda Breaux

    All the Knowledge in the Galaxy

    Arda knew his experience and even his humor cued that he would catch on to more than what she was saying. She was told that Master Jedi were supposed to be experts in cryptic messages, and it seemed perhaps there were some senators such as Valiance who knew how to interpret such messages. Arda...
  10. Arda Breaux

    Cast Into Crimson

    Emotion, yet peace... To say her Rebels and Jedi were not fearful of what they saw and felt when the Mandalorians entered would have been a lie. It was not just their hate for the Force-wielders, but the satisfaction in the death that trailed behind them as they entered the temple. It poured...
  11. Arda Breaux

    End of the Edge, start of the interrogation

    When Arda received word of this incident, she laughed. She laughed hard and for a long time until she realized the padawan who reported to her was entirely serious. The Grandmaster of course had to return to her own serious demeanor and find out for herself who they had detained. With her in...
  12. Arda Breaux

    Cast Into Crimson

    ]The temple evacuation was well on its way, it was no longer safe not since the Manda'lor made his declaration against the Jedi Order. She had yet to hear back from Teran and his meeting from the Manda'lor himself, but when she was informed the comm systems were being jammed, it was perhaps too...
  13. Arda Breaux

    Liar In The Lion's Den

    His mind was noisy as she caught some static of his thoughts, she took a sip of her drink and turned to face the rest of the pirates in the den, the music starting going and Arda thought it wasn't half bad. Probably was better playing here than for some greedy hutts who would shoot you on the...
  14. Arda Breaux

    It's All Relative

    When Arda stepped into the room, Chancellor Zale was already present, standing up behind her desk as she greeted the woman with the offer of a hand shake. Arda gave the woman a small smile shaking her hand in return, "Likewise, Chancellor, I remember when the UP was first formed, you have come...
  15. Arda Breaux

    A Starting Point

    During the pause, Alton offered for her an opportunity to get caf; the Jedi woman glanced over and gently shook her head, politely declining the offer, "No thank you, I am fine, Senator." she said really wishing for something stronger as it seemed being in the middle of diplomatic missions...
  16. Arda Breaux

    All the Knowledge in the Galaxy

    She left the group in awe, but it did not deter them from moving on to whatever was planned next for the younglings. Even with her learners at the temple, keeping children focused on tasks was challenging, their minds seemed to run so much faster than what the rest of the galaxy could keep up...
  17. Arda Breaux

    Master Trials: Brenton Drast

    Brent arrived on time and Arda was surprised to see him in attire other than his typical casual spacer's garb. He looked like a Jedi and Arda was uncertain if she was comfortable with that or not. She questioned her discomfort, placing her trust in the Force to guide her thoughts and questions...
  18. Arda Breaux

    Master Trials: Ashlyna Talmount

    Arda watched Ashlyna as she entered the chambers, her presence felt uneasy in the Force and Arda associated with nerves, even the strongest of Jedi were not immune to such natural feelings. However, she was surprised at Ash's opening, sensing guilt and regret within the Knight as she ruminated...
  19. Arda Breaux


    Arda listened to the Jedi's concerns about the type of Master she will become in the the years ahead of her, most curiously she spoke of Atollon where she too had met the Bendu. Though her mind was twisting on when the Jedi had seen the Bendu (either prior or after her own encounters) he had...
  20. Arda Breaux

    It's All Relative

    Chandrila The shuttle shook slightly as it entered through the atmosphere, jolting Arda out of a brief moment of shut eye, her body taking advantage of the moment to relax before she met with the Chancellor of the Republic. The view-port was covered in water droplets and the Jedi placed a...