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  1. Nameless

    Black lives matter

    I wasn't talking to you. The goal of the French Revolution was escaping the control of the monarchy, and it was successful in that capacity. As for Haiti, the outside influence since the revolution is the cause for the majority of their problems. One such example is the shackling of the...
  2. Nameless

    Black lives matter

    Again you both put words in my mouth and ignore what I'm actually saying, but I'll do you the favor of doing neither of those things and actually responding to your post. As I've already pointed out I didn't make the claim that violence against innocents was justified, but for the sake of the...
  3. Nameless

    Black lives matter

    Eh, I guess murdering people over and over again pisses them off. Who knew? It is us against them. Only in this case the “us” is people who don't think it's okay to systematically murder and entire race of people, and the “them” is people that do. Turns out the majority of the people that do...
  4. Nameless

    Black lives matter

    The internalized racism of respectability politics is more harmful to the movement than any amount of pants sagging and profanity. One does not need to dress and act “correctly” in order to be afforded agency. Not to mention the fact that “respectable” members of both BLM and the black community...
  5. Nameless

    Fallout 4. No Joke. It's coming.

    Far Harbor finally has a release date (the 19th of this month) which has me super stoked. I am a major Fallout/TES fanboy and have invested hours upon hours into all of the games and Fallout 4 is no different. My main is Jack, a lvl 102 Jack of all trades that sided with the Institute. My second...
  6. Nameless

    Feminism and Gender Equality

    I'm super happy with the way this thread ended up going. It certainly didn't seem like it was going to end up like this from the comments on that first page. I'm just gonna cherry pick a few points I'd like to address, and then probably show back up in a few days and do it again. Assuming the...
  7. Nameless

    Feminism and Gender Equality Now show me on this fedora where those evil feminists hurt you. No one said that men shouldn't discuss the topic. It's a simple fact that since the topic is primary about women that their voices...
  8. Nameless

    Your Political Compass

    Seems about right. A few of the questions forced answers I wouldn't normally give though. I suppose that's the drawback of such a simple format.
  9. Nameless

    Political compass

    This thread already exists. It's only like 5 down on the page.
  10. Nameless

    Dawn of the Republic - Sacred Band of Ziost

    I've been lurking here off and on for years now, but the new TL and the SBZ in particular have gotten my creative juices flowing. So, I'm in the process of working on a dude for this faction. I'll likely have something up in early March as I'd like to see the TL in it's fully released state...
  11. Nameless

    The Force Awakens - Thoughts and Reactions (SPOILERS WITHIN)

    Just finished my second viewing and I have to say I'm still really torn about this film. I certainly enjoyed it, but I'm not one to come out of a movie hating it very often. I can generally separate my critical brain from my popcorn brain, if you will. With something as meaningful to me as Star...
  12. Nameless

    Moraband and Faction Goals

    I see it more as gifting their revered dead a steady supply of Jedi souls to torment for eternity. I mean ghosts gotta get bored right?
  13. Nameless

    Moraband and Faction Goals

    I get the reasoning, but personally if I were the head of a religion I would consider "converting" an enemy (especially one from an opposing religion) after their death and burying them on the holy ground of my religion would be the biggest middle finger I could possibly give their living...
  14. Nameless

    Moraband and Faction Goals

    If the Jedi view the Valley of the Dark Lords as the Valley of the Damned then would it make sense in the mind of a Sith to take the bodies of deceased Jedi to Moraband in order to damn them? Or is it more of a home to the honored dead type of thing? Like a place where the Sith would never want...
  15. Nameless

    Jar Jar Binks Sith Lord?

    Which is a spoiler in itself as the clone troopers end up being bad guys. Order 66 anyone? Also: Clearly Binks is working some mental magic on Captain Typho there.
  16. Nameless

    Jar Jar Binks Sith Lord?

    This is what Jar Jar's voice actor had to say about this whole thing: Also, box set of prequel villains toys with Jar Jar included:
  17. Nameless

    Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

    I wonder if that's the Batjet blowing those cars and people up. Maybe DC is just giving up on the "our heroes don't kill" to enforce their grimdark agenda.
  18. Nameless

    Election 2016

    Imagine all the people sharing all the world! As long as they're not women, or gay, or minorities.
  19. Nameless

    Election 2016

    I hope Obama wins again. He could use a less creepy VP though.
  20. Nameless

    Reconciling Canon and the Force

    I like the idea of Magick in Star Wars. With the introduction of Midi-chlorians the Force became a biological phenomenon rather than a mystical one. So the introduction of spiritual magic brings an interesting element back to the series in my opinion. The even balance of tech and mysticism in...