Star Wars RolePlay

Could be independent or a pirate affiliated with the Cartel possibly.
Rogue Navigator
Rogue Navigator
I really like the idea of a freebooting pirate crew, what kind of ships can a character start with?
The Good Doctor
The Good Doctor
Rogue Navigator
Rogue Navigator
I'll look up, thanks.
Rogue Navigator
Rogue Navigator
I would think a pirate would want less star fighter more freighter. Can’t carry much loot in a star fighter or have buddies.

I’m on mobile so no link but the Nerf Herder is a pretty good starter ship and it’s capable of hyperspeed
Rogue Navigator
Rogue Navigator
You got it. I'm starting on a write up now. Although now I'm thinking of a bounty hinter with ambitions of becoming a pirate. I might even go into the lengths of doing a write up on the tech board to give a unique weapon for my character.