Star Wars RolePlay

One For Sorrow
One For Sorrow
I feel like it gets echo-ey
Mad Dog
Mad Dog
Right! Like yelling down the empty hallways of our minds, forever traped in the macob surrealism that is our own selfconsciousness?
That's one way to put it!
Mad Dog
Mad Dog
Your acumen of my anomalistic declaration certainly coins you as a bellwether, even if it does bring attention to my circumlocution.
One For Sorrow
One For Sorrow
at. See, I can do big words too.
I'm sure we all don't have to be a bunch of overly bedraggled hypocriterionists with a case of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovulcanoconiosis here.
One For Sorrow
One For Sorrow
That was very sesquipidalian.