Star Wars RolePlay

Mad Dog
Mad Dog
Oh I thought you posted after me again because they timed out? Didn't I start after you initially?
Mad Dog
Mad Dog
Yes it would appear that the posting order got messed up. I was initially after you, however I've deleted it none the less and will allow Chris to post before me.
it doesn't matter if you are after me i believe. we were originally a possible "team" i think so it didn't matter what order you and i went in so long as we went and then cain and barker went. that's probably why. It doesn't matter as much for you and i i think unless it turns into pvp
Mad Dog
Mad Dog
Yea, that's cool with me. I deleted it. I'll probably change it a bit for when it is my turn. I'm Also probably exiting this thread. Zar got paid, a decent amount and he got what he initially came for. Unless.... haha
No don’t go...i can always have my chara kill yours and take your money too for himself
Mad Dog
Mad Dog
Well this went a different direction.. Haha, it'd be a battle of the Z's Zeff vs Zar, clearly Zar would win, but it a no big deal...
Sorry i haven't replied to doctor's visit yet. i just realized i missed your most recent post like two weeks ago. why didn't you poke me!!!!
Mad Dog
Mad Dog
Hey sorry been really busy as well,
Can you send me a link for doctor’s visit if it’s my turn. Don’t be afraid to poke me