Star Wars RolePlay

Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez
The Senate will decide our fate
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez
*survived because I am the Senate*
krano drall
krano drall
Don't kill them capture them for the lab
Rick Sanches - The senate will decide our fate.

Sounds like something a lesser Rick would say.
krano drall
krano drall
No it sounds like somthing a consol of ricks rick might say... wait that's the same things your right
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez
You are wrong.

Because I. Am. The. Senate.
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez
His fate is in my hands
Dark child
Dark child
I think we should have a contest to see who abuses their Morty the best and then go from there.
krano drall
krano drall
My fate is in your hands? I turned myself into a pickle because I was bored. If I let another version of myself decide my fate, I'd be you right now.
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez
Sorry, Rick, we both know you turned yourself into a pickle to avoid therapy.