Star Wars RolePlay

I saw that Randy Rando the Trando Mando joined the thread.

I have never felt such guttural fear and soaring elation at once. Truly a natural wonder.
1.) Snipers on the rooves, you're on the rooves. 2.) that model of gunship isn't the Republic standard, it's a future model not currently in use. 3.) Watching a Trandoshan blatantly whip out massive rocket launchers would not fall under the category of "precognition."
With that said I near pissed myself laughing at your post, and would reply, but I'm waiting on this Sith embassy mess to be cleared up.
you will forever remember this as the day you almost killed Rosh Stra -- gets knocked out by a wave
Black Noise
Black Noise
NPCs don't matter in threads like these man, sorry. As for your gunship, you did not specify so I assumed, but I'll be happy to change if you can link me the ship you're using, provided the ship you're using explicitly states it has rear facing gunners.
Black Noise
Black Noise
Also, yes it would, you stated in post that you were watching your men and randy waiting til after you passed over to pull them out. You'd stop talking to your men and focus solely on a sole civilian on a roof?

But I'm glad I could entertain : )
Black Noise
Black Noise
I will note though, I didn't say I was directly aiming for your character, just your engines. It'd be no fun to kill him in the first post. With Malo jumping though, it might be in your best interest to take the rocket hit vs trying to fight off sith fighters.
FYI Soverin, you posted in this thread, alongside TWD & Rorren. By posting you accepted the thread as is, including the embassy. Them's the rules, now roll with it.
too early for this, but aight. I only suggest to go back and read my last paragraph more thoroughly. Rosh wasn't watching them, he looked at them, for a moment. Which does not constitute the span of time to whip out not one, but two launchers.
Also, have you ever seen the visual for a computerized monitor? It distinguishes people from buildings pretty obviously. He'd spot you like a glittery white blob against a completely black background, which is exactly what he sees.
Lastly. Could've certainly asked me what type of gunship I was using, utilizing your communication skills for the betterment of story, as writers are urged to. But as I'm not surprised at all by assumptions at this point, it's a presumed brambleback.
Now back to this bitch who had a lot to say on twitter, @Prudence -- that's not my decision or yours. It's outlander's square and if he doesn't think you have a viable embassy there, which literally no one does, you now have to wait for the very real possibility that this might get retconned. The decision doesn't make sense, as much as I would like to just roll with it.
I'm holding posts for that reason, to respect his concern while he resolves it.
I advise ya'll do too.
No see the problem is, you have multiple times admitted that you were asked here by Outlander. If he asked you to intervene here then if we break this into two sides, Sith vs Accord, you are on the accord side.