Star Wars RolePlay

Brandon Rhea
Brandon Rhea
Calling something gay/ghey in place of "stupid" or "lame" is a slur and isn't tolerated here. This is your 5th infraction, and therefore a 72 hour ban. Grow up.
@Leira Rys Your futuristic predictions are --- no comment
... You know, better to not vaguely annoy someone after one person already got in trouble for it.
<3 i luv u lei lei
Commissar Brett
Commissar Brett
To be fair, I was simply making reference to the Skype conversation. I was calling anyone anything, but your trigger-happy SJW self got so out of sorts that you jumped to conclusions.
Brandon Rhea
Brandon Rhea
You weren't "simply making reference" - it was clear and obvious trolling. Saying gay (or "ghey") in place of stupid or lame is not acceptable. It's a slur - it'd be like saying "that's so black." Do it again and you're permabanned. We don't tolerate that kind of behavior. It's counterproductive to having an inclusive and welcoming community.
Commissar Brett
Commissar Brett
Bac, don't tell ME what I was and wasn't doing. I WAS simply making reference to the Skype chat (I believe it was the Sith chat). You are neither stupid nor lame, and even if you were, I wouldn't intentionally call you names. So DO NOT assume you know my intentions.
Commissar Brett
Commissar Brett
Similar to the whole "black hole" joke with Clayton.
Brandon Rhea
Brandon Rhea
I didn't say you called me a name. I never assumed you were calling me gay - and even if you were, it's not like I'd be offended by that. I'm saying your reference was an obvious attempt at trolling, and in doing so you casually used a word in a way that's a slur.