Star Wars RolePlay

Lucy Lou
Lucy Lou
@The Kyzer whyusomeantome ;-; But seriously I had not idea, so it's interesting.
Well, @SirNoodles, over 2 billion Onderonians now hate your Senator. Are you ready for you re-election campaign?
How does evacuating and setting up defenses on Iziz translate into-Everyone else is undefended?
The Kyzer
The Kyzer
@Megilwen Lol, I had no idea, nor did I know about ol' Kordoroy's write-up.

Anyway, Sir Noodles, your prep threads aren't even complete so this really doesn't matter? I have already said that if I were an attacker, I'd RP with a friendy overture of the evacuation being in-progress like your preparation thread, but that's just me. People don't have to do it.
And frankly, the Onderionan military defending Iziz makes sense. The Sith have attacked the capital of Zeltros, so it wouldn't be out there to think they'd attack Iziz.
The Kyzer
The Kyzer
@Gaiaverse It's the same thing we were talking about yesterday. You need to RP that something's big like this is happening. You don't get to just handwave it.
Kyzer-In my opinion, acknowledging the effort of other people shouldn't be a optional "friendly overture" if you catch my meaning.
@Gaiaverse @SirNoodles the senator made extra measures to defend Iziz but never batted an eye to the hundreds of other towns that are in equal danger of an invasion. Realistically, that wouldn't sit nice with the 2+ billion people in those other towns. But I understand you guys don't see it that way, so I'm not gonna continue bringing it up.
Kyzer-Oh I know, still pissed off about it, but I know. I was more arguing on Ecc's point then that.
Lucy Lou
Lucy Lou
Poor BN's profile.
Probably thinks they are the hot topic of the day...then realize it's people debating on something they left....I really want to call BN a she.
@Gaiaverse the Sith actually attacked multiple towns on Zeltros, not just the capital.
The Kyzer
The Kyzer
They did? All the threads I read were the capital. Was it off screen?
Kyzer-As in they are actually a she or to try my luck?
The Kyzer
The Kyzer
Try your luck. Roll them dice, mang. I believe in you.
Lucy Lou
Lucy Lou
The spaceport attack was definately a different city. Anyhow, if you want to use RL examples. The Netherlands were defeated by the Germans really fast because we only focused on protecting Amsterdam, so the Germans destroyed Rotterdam and the next day we surrendered because fuck a capital city cannot stand alone and win. Likewise, Iziz would just be surrounded, blockaded and starved.
The Kyzer
The Kyzer
Lucy Lou
Lucy Lou
you know you just want Gaia to Call BN a she so you can quote it at him. Just like we get to call you Smoodles now c: