Star Wars RolePlay

Richie B.
Richie B.
maybe not permanent but it would cause crippling damage. Just need to get some cybernetics to replace the messy parts and should be good as new.
People don't usually survive those types of wounds... unless it is a miracle and misses every artery, wind pipe, and you somehow fight the extreme pain and bleeding out. So I'd safely say yes if a bolt went through your throat.
I second Bauren on this, a throat shot is 99.99% going to kill you. Especially since blasters also explode with lots of force.
Is it technically legal RP-wise for an RPer to specify where the bolt hits (say a deflected bolt) if they didn't actually specify where it's aimed and/or if the character have no control where it goes. Wouldn't it be up to the user actually getting hit in that case?
Normally yes but if said user goes over the 48 our pvp limit then it's an auto hit and they decide what happens. If anything you're lucky it was a disable-aimed and not "You die instantly head shot"