Star Wars RolePlay

Put up a post for you
Reya Starlyght
Reya Starlyght
There's quite a few things wrong with your post. Alaasha never moved her saber down towards the hilt, simply blocked his saber vertically. And also, maybe it's your writing style, but you assumed quite a few attack automatically landed.

Just a question, but how many pieces of lightsaber resistant materials does Vlatkat have, and where are they?
What I meant by that was allowing the force applied to hit his saber to make the sword glide down his blade by turning it in a way that would have caused it to slide. Also, that is just a style thing. I wrote what would happen had he not had interference, giving you room to change the outcome by your actions.
Reya Starlyght
Reya Starlyght
Mk, technically Alaasha could draw her saber out before he trapped it, right? Which would not cancel out the arm block but would cancel out the saber thing.