Star Wars RolePlay

Is this you?
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
No it's one of my mom's friends.
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
I think.. it's hard to keep up with her friends.
Whoa....that is weird. Under_Dogs. It's happening people
Spooky skeletons probably
I'll have someone at my Uni look at this tomorrow - they teach Cyber-Security - if you like?
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Yeah, this only happens when she's at home, she was hacked by the government we're thinking, because that has already been reported before.
The phone has bluetooth enabled, and is clearly being controlled by a blue-tooth keyboard. A hack would involve the phone going black or shutting down (so they could access information that is sensitive). The fact that phone is unlocked, and did not require the input of a password clearly shows that this is a hoax and not a malicious hack.
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Well as you can see and it is demonstrated, she's not touching anything except for the sides. It isn't necessary for the screen to go black if it is hacked. If you know the Government and the way it is today, they have pretty much already pre-hacked your phone because they are trying to figure out what we are doing 24/7. They are also doing it with anything thats got a camera.
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
And as you can see, whoever and whatever is hacking her, they are looking for passwords. The government is doing it to people who won't support killers (aka Hilary) and free everything (aka sanders) because rarely anyone believes in freedom of anything anymore, the Constitution is put o shame. I have a feeling the Founding Fathers of our country are rolling in their graves... or worse...