Star Wars RolePlay

Ooh, this is a tough one. Personally I'd say it's better to love and have lost, but that all hinges on whether you consider the love actually worth it. Never having loved exempts you of the heartbreak, but if you have: was the high worth the pain? If so, then it was better to love and have lost. *throws two cents on the table*
I would say it is better to have loved and lost, because to have actually loved someone is more than mere infatuation or lust. Love is selflessness, where you actively care more about someone than yourself. Where you constantly want to give of yourself for that person. Where you long to be with that person even if you are pissed at them. -Continued
If you have lost that person, whether it is through death or the parting of ways, then it teaches you something about yourself that you can carry with you forever whether it be in another relationship, or in just knowing yourself better.
In many ways, not loving can be just as painful as having loved and lost.