Star Wars RolePlay

Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Ok thanks! I wasn't planning exactly for a Jedi Temple, but thanks for letting me know! I really appreciate it!
Richie B.
Richie B.
No problem well there is no Jedi on the planet maybe one or fewer but it's in Imperium territory so not a safe place for Jedi at the moment if I remember correctly
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Ok then. Well I'm rping with a sith anyway so who knew right? My character ran away to prove herself again. Lol
Richie B.
Richie B.
Well if anything happens call your friendly neighborhood Jedi
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
I will! ;) If you want to join in you can at some point if you like.
Richie B.
Richie B.
Well can't join with my Jedi he is doing to much at the moment but I have another knight level light force user.
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Great! That character will be fine! Feel free to join in whenever!
Richie B.
Richie B.
Which thread?
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
A Change Of Heart

I'll get the thread address in just. Sec
Richie B.
Richie B.
Who else is in it? Don't want to spring any traps on anyone?
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
I'm rping with a new guy. His name is professor crazy. He has a sith that isn't like normal sith. If or when you join, please go easy on him. I have a planned short battle and I almost get close to being captured, but he doesn't go through with it, and then I end up like being his master or something or other.
Richie B.
Richie B.
Oh a redemption story? Let me message him
Rae Anne Jarrus
Richie B.
Richie B.
So I asked a few guys who have been on the site longer Tython was poisoned so now it's just a ball of death and dark side.. Yea sorry to do this again. I know Dantooine is still nice this time of year
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Lol thanks. And it's ok!
Richie B.
Richie B.
Well if you still want to be on Tython all you have to do is edit it so its like a dead planet is all. It seems the other guy would be fine with that.
Rae Anne Jarrus
Richie B.
Richie B.
Is Gwen accepted into the order yet?
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
I had signed up in the Jedi sign up thread before I started the Change Of Heart thread. I haven't received conformation yet.