Star Wars RolePlay

oh thank you. Being in Florida we have too many of them for my taste, hate the little things
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
No problem. And I agree, we had one in our yard, the dogs ran right past the nose and tail, when I first saw it I thought it had been a piece of wood so I went to go pick it up.
oh good lord no, you couldn't pay me enough to be near one of those things. We actually have seasons to hunt them because we get so many. despite how mean they are, they don't actually attack people that often.
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Yeah true, I agree too, money wouldnt even be what I would need to catch one. Plus I didn't know that we had hunting seasons to catch gators. I grew up up north so I grew up with bear and deer season, not gator season lol
lol, its a pretty big thing. only good about alligator's is that they taste amazing if you cook them. We don't hunt bears here, but deer is pretty big as well
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
lol, I never tried gator, my grandfather came down and we visited a place called Gator Joe's and he had the gator tail. I was told it tasted like chicken. I wont eat it though.
its exactly like chicken, except better in every way. Especially if throw some lemon juice on it. im really hungry now :(
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Aww, go find yourself a gator tail. XD what part of Florida are you?
North Florida. and i know where to find one actually getting one is the hard part.