Star Wars RolePlay

Richie B.
Richie B.
That's true let's just give them the rest of the day if they don't respond than tomorrow we will start the thread if you want
If the others that responded are ok with that, sure :) but then we can always just start it and give everyone time to post :) We should establish a posting order so things don't get chaotic
Richie B.
Richie B.
True alright so want it to be the first cork first serve sort of thing also it's your turn in the thread with the cowboy and large fluffy Jedi not sure if silent guy i
Richie B.
Richie B.
Is going to post soon or not
Actually TheSilent wind says he's going to post today or tomorrow so will let her then I will.
Richie B.
Richie B.
Alright agreed also not sure if I told you but I was thinking about hitting Kuat hoping to bring the entire squad and a lot of other people because I have a idea that would help the rebels and Jedi a lot
Sounds cool! Well apparently the guy that plays Alisha's friend is coming back on Sat. I will update him and we can have his character join us. Since Alisha and Xzig share the ship lol
Richie B.
Richie B.
Alright what's his display name so I can add him to the conversation
Xzig Barogus
Richie B.
Richie B.
Alright so let's just start the opening thread let's do it on Naboo though i am not sure how to start it
Hmm. First, did we decide to have our characters do the stealing plans mission before this, or after, I can't remember lol
Richie B.
Richie B.
I think the stealing thing happened before not 100% sure myself
Ye I think before makes sense. So we did that, and came back to Naboo for maybe upgrading or something. At least Alisha :) And refuelling/repairing ship. Then we can meet people while there.
Richie B.
Richie B.
Yea I think that will work
So are you ok to start? I gotta eat my lunch soon then later I will need to go out so not sure I would be able to post right now. Also, we need to make an OOC thread and write a posting order. To keep things tidy :) I think I already said that somewhere..sorry hahah
Richie B.
Richie B.
Alright give me a little while I will start the thread soon
No worries, take your time :D I will see if I can post when I come back later tonight as well :)
Also, since we did finish our thread on Naboo, is there a way of making sure it is closed and no one else posts in it?
Richie B.
Richie B.
It's a ask thread so no one should but if your worried I will post and put that it has ended
Nah should be ok :)