Open Pokemon: Hoenn RP

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Interest Check | Trainer Biographies

The Hoenn League is starting again, trainers from in Hoenn and those traveling to the region are just now getting started with the pokemon journey. Their goal to is obtain the 8 gym badges to be able to challenge the Elite Four, who stands in the way of Champion Steven Stone.

While that is going on, in the background; two mysterious groups have enigmatic goals and are operating in the shadows...

Tag Interested people @Logan @Aberforth @Remileah

@Dread @Zay

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Now just having got his Hoenn Pokedex from the Professor Birch. Having came prepared, he is stocked up on supplies. Some healing items for his pokemon for after a battle, four spare pokeballs. Colton is ready to begin his pokemon journey. It is refreshing being in a new land. The Hoenn region is bound to have a lot of people that aren't in Sinnoh.

Now looking on a map, his next destination is Oldsale Town. That's the path forward and it has a Poke Mart store. And then from there his goal is Rustboro City for it's Gym.

So now Colton would begin his journey now, traveling along Route 101. A few minutes heading up north, then suddenly a Poochyena emerges from the tall grass, growling at him. Unfamilar with the pokemon, Colton would pull out his Pokedex.

PokeDex said:
Poochyena, the Bite Pokémon
A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted.

"Easy there" he would try to calm it down, but the Bite Pokemon would continue to impede his path.

Alright then, there is no other way... Colton would pull out a pokeball "Beldum, I choose you". Now throwing his pokeball, his Beldum would emerge, ready to battle against the Poochyena...
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(not on discord)
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May 29, 2015
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Stepping off the boat and into the vibrant hustle of Slateport City, Gandor was immediately enveloped in the lively atmosphere of the market. The air was a rich blend of salty sea breeze and the enticing aromas of exotic spices and fresh produce. Vendors, each more animated than the last, competed for his attention, showcasing an array of goods that ranged from the mundane to the exotic.

Amid the lively chaos, Gandor's attention was captured by a treat that seemed perfect for sharing with his companion, Elekid. With a grin, he exchanged some coins for the delicacy, eager to enjoy a moment of camaraderie with his Pokémon.

Yet, in a twist of fate, a Wingull swooped in with the grace of a seasoned pilferer, snatching the treat from Gandor's fingers. "Hey! That was for Elekid and me!" Gandor exclaimed, a mix of surprise and amusement in his voice, revealing a glimpse of his easygoing nature.

Turning to his Pokedex for a distraction, he chuckled as it described the Wingull.

Pokédex said:
Wingull, the Seagull Pokémon. Known for its daring mid-air snack heists, it's not above playing the pirate to fill its belly. Remember, in the world of Wingull, it's swoop first, ask questions never!

Elekid, visibly upset by the theft, began to whirl its arms, the air around it crackling with the buildup of electrical energy, a clear sign of its readiness to defend its and Gandor's honor against the cheeky avian thief.

@The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Beldum vs Poochyena

Route 101 —The two Pokemon are about to battle. Looking at the PokeDex data for Poochyena, he knew that the wild pokemon was a dark type, which is strong against Beldum due to the latter being a part Psychic type. But however, this battle wouldn't come down to just type vs type as Beldum is a bit stronger pokemon. Still it would be close.

As the Poochyena leaps in the air towards Beldum, it was fast and then it Bites the steel/psychic type pokemon. It was a super-effective hit on the psychic pokemon, but Beldum is hanging tough. "You got this Beldum!" his trainer encouraged his pokemon. "Take Down!" Colton shouted. The Iron Ball pokemon would then spring into action, grab it with it's arm and then... take the Bite Pokemon down into the dirt.

Unfortunately Beldum can only knows one move, but Colton has done his research and once it evolves into a Metang, it will be able to learn more moves.

Back to the battle, Poochyena recoils and then runs forward, and Colton wanted to press the attack. "Take Down again!" Beldum would hover forward with speed, but the Poochyena he uses his forepaws to throw sand into the eyes of Beldum. Colton recognizes this move as Sand Attack. The Iron Ball pokemon misses it's second Take Down attack.

The Poochyena sees it's chance, and it rushes forward with another Bite and it connects. The Beldum is still hanging on and recoiled but it's badly hurt. Now floating again, but just barely. "Wait until it comes again... wait for the perfect moment. " he muttered to himself.

Metang looks like it's now focused, even after the Sand Attack that landed before. Poochyena darts forward again on the prowl, and then rushes again and leaps, it open's it's mouth and readies it's fangs again as it is driping drool. "Take Down!" Fortunately and luckily, the Beldum was able to catch the Poochyena with it's arm around it's body, even the Poochyena knew it was screwed as it would wimper. And down into the ground the Poochyena goes it was out as it fainted.

"Thank you Beldum, great job." he would embrace the metal pokemon. "Return and rest until we get the Pokemon Center" now he would call back his pokemon back to it's pokeball. And then he would take out an empty one, wanting to capture the Poochyena.

As he was about to throw it, he then hears more movement in the grass, and his attention shifted in that direction. As three poochyenas emerge. "Uh oh" Colton would then run to the east, the other three would start to give chase...




(not on discord)
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May 29, 2015
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As the Wingull made its audacious escape with the pilfered treat, Gandor had scarcely a moment to register the theft before Elekid, propelled by a blend of righteous fury and playful mischief, seized the initiative. The atmosphere became charged, literally and metaphorically, as Elekid's horns became conduits for a burgeoning electrical storm. With precision and a touch of theatrical flair, the Thunder Shock was unleashed, a brilliant arc of electricity that found its mark on the Wingull's midsection.

The impact was immediate and decisive; the bird Pokémon, overwhelmed by the potent, quad-super effective attack, plummeted from the sky, its wings folding beneath it as it succumbed to unconsciousness against the vibrant tableau of the market.

Gandor's sigh, heavy with a tinge of exasperation, broke through the electrified silence. "I was kinda hoping to catch that Wingull, Elekid," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of ruefulness, betraying his thwarted intention of making the seagull Pokémon his inaugural Hoenn capture. Yet, the sight of Elekid's smug grin, brimming with impish satisfaction, suggested a deliberate stratagem behind the hasty intervention. the Electric Pokémon had never enjoyed sharing Gandor's attention with other members of their party.

Feeling a mix of bemusement and a renewed sense of purpose, Gandor motioned for Elekid to join him as they set their sights on Route 110. Leaving behind the cacophony and colorful chaos of the market, they were soon enveloped by the serene beauty of the route. The sounds of commerce and chatter gave way to the symphony of nature, a harmonious blend of rustling foliage and distant Pokémon cries. With every step, Gandor's anticipation grew, his heart buoyed by the promise of discovery and the thrill of encountering the myriad Pokémon that called this route home.

@The Good Doctor


SWRP Writer
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Jan 8, 2014
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Littleroot Town, Birch's Pokemon Lab

Tye stood with his arms crossed. His left leg tapped out an impatient beat as he waited on Professor Birch to arrive. He sighed, “Why do I have to do this again?” he asked, turning to his brother Matt.

Matt chuckled, “Because you’re not from here, and I won’t be around to keep you out of trouble.” Matt’s expression softened, “This is a big deal little dude, be patient.

Tye kissed his teeth, and shifted his weight from one side to the other muttering, “This sucks…” under his breath.

A moment passed and Tye started up again, “I just think it’s really unprofessional for the guy to be this late, like we’ve been here for ten minutes already, is this normal?” asked Tye.
Matt sighed, “Unfortunately, Birch is a bit—” he seemed to grope for a word, “Eccentric, but he’s a really great guy, and once you meet him, you’ll get it.

Tye wasn’t convinced. Just then there was a rustling on his hip and he sucked in a sharp breath as— Scruff burst out of her Pokeball.

Gah! Scruff, why?!” panicked Tye as he quickly tried to get the pokeball off his belt and recall the eaglet pokemon. To the new trainer’s dismay, Scruff absolutely wasn’t going back in the ball. Matters were only made worse when Matt started laughing.

Why not let the little one out for a bit?” asked Matt. Tye gave him a sharp look and received a raised eyebrow in return.
Gesturing at the little Rufflet, Tye said, “Because she’s supposed to be in the ball!

Tye glared at Scruff, and Scruff glared right back.

Matt sighed, “You’ve still got a lot to learn little dude.
Stop calling me that,” Tye shot back as he slid across the floor on his belly, just barely missing Scruff.

The pair were jumping and climbing on anything and everything as Scruff slipped out of Tye’s hands time after time. With each missed attempt it was apparent Tye was not happy and the madder Tye got the more indignant Scruff became…

Matt sighed muttering, “These two are identical…” His eyes widened as Scruff skittered to the top of a bookshelf and Tye clambered up behind like a drunk Aipom. “Hey, take it easy, there’s some really valuable stuff in here— Oh no, Scruff, please get down from there!” called Matt.

To his credit The Pokemon Ranger was doing his best to control the situation, but when an unrelenting force meets an immovable object, things are bound to go wild. As if to add to the chaos, Tye’s other pokemon decided to make their entrance. Oshie, an adorable and incredibly shy little Oshawott, popped out of his ball with a little flourish of his shell, but any confidence the little guy had was squashed the moment it saw the chaos. With a little defeated sigh it returned itself to it’s ball and left Tye to deal with Scruff alone.

Ugh, I’m pretty sure Oshie hates me,” he said, as his arms wrapped around Scruff. Tye wrapped the little bird in a Ursaring hug just in time for the door to Birch’s lab to open.

@Logan @The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Route 101 — Colton barely escaped the Poochyena. Colton ran like never before, he would never be able to take on more than one at a time, with his Beldum being worn out from the first one. He wasn't going to out run them either. The young trainer only managed to slip by breaking line of sight in the woods and containing to be evasive and never stopping until he realized he lost them. He would then place himself back on the proper road to Oldale Town.

Colton would sit down and take deep breaths. That was exhausting. Eventually, he would keep going north and then he would finally reach Oldale Town. After walking through the town, he would see that there is a Pokemon Center. He would go into it.

He would then release his Beldum into the Nurse Joy at the pokemon center, who would help treat the steel/psychic pokemon. "She will get you all better." Colton would smile to comfort his pokemon.

It would take quite some time for his pokemon to be fully healed and ready for another go.

"Hello there, you feel all better now?" he smiled as would meet up with his Beldum again, glad to see him doing much better. And his Beldum embraced Colton with it's one arm. After recalling the Iron Ball pokemon back to it's pokeball he would set his sights in the direction of Route 102. That's the direction he goes in. That's the path to Petalburg City, and in it, the Petalburg City Gym.



Lore Admin
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May 19, 2013
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The sound of an alarm clock blared in Nyl’s room and despite its overwhelmingly loud and obnoxious cries, the young trainer still snoozed away in her bed without noticing. It wasn’t until she felt a frigid nose pushing her cheek that she finally opened one of her eyes and realized she was already running late.

Rushing out of her bed in a flurry, Nyl pulled on her normal clothes (she couldn’t very well go to Birch’s lab in her pajamas) and after several minutes of rummaging around, managed to find her boots and head out the door.

Luckily Little Root town wasn’t very big. After just a couple of minutes she arrived, though who she found in the lab wasn’t who she was expecting: Some kid, currently doing his utmost to.. Hug a Rowlett into submission?

Rolling her eyes, Nyl guessed she shouldn’t have been surprised Birch was nowhere to be found. The dude was chronically ADD and being on time was just not in his repertoire.

Heading over to the Rowlett hugger, Nyl gave him a small wave. You here to get a Pokédex too? she asked, eyeing the Rowlett. Nyl’s Alolan Vulpix, who she affectionately called Tails, sad patiently at her feet with the same sort of.. Mildly judgemental expression as her trainer.

Before she could say much else, the doors to the lab swung open once more and finally, the man of the hour deigned to walk through. Of course he was joined by Nyl’s mom, a fellow Pokémon researcher from Alola, who Nyl waved to with just a little bit of embarrassment on her face.

Hello! Birch said with a smile before placing his things down on a nearby table. You two are here for your Pokédexes, is that right?

It took all of Nyl’s willpower not to give the Professor some kind of snarky answer, because why else would they be here to see a grown man wearing open toed sandals, but she held back for now and simply nodded her head.

Well, don’t let me keep you! He said with a chuckle, pulling the two devices out of his bag and handing one to Nyl and the other to the other kid.

Turning to look at the Rowlett hugger, Nyl shrugged her shoulders before asking You want to go to Route 101 together?

Normally she wouldn’t have bothered asking that, but her mom had been needling her about making friends, so Nyl figured at least while her mom was literally standing right there, she would make an attempt.

Regardless of what the boy said, Nyl would head out of the lab and toward the first route on the start of her Pokémon journey; Tails scampering behind her, a look of mirrored determination on her face.



SWRP Writer
OOC Account

Jan 8, 2014
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With a feral look in his eye and his chest still heaving, Tye whipped around, startled by the new voice. Scruff took the opportunity to PECK Tye between the eyes, “Gah!?” was all he managed before the little Rufflet slipped out of his arms. Tye sank into a squat, rubbing at the spot between his eyes, while Scruff paraded around the lab as if it had just slain a legendary.

Realizing he hadn’t answered the newcomer Tye managed, “Yeah, I’m Tye, what’s your name?

Normally, this would be the part where he’d get really shy and awkward, but luckily, Scruff had done a wonderful job of popping his pride like a balloon. He wasn’t sure why but he wiped his hand on his pants and held it. Both the girl and the Vulpix with her just looked at him. Tye blinked then let his hand drop. Once again he was saved from his shame by the entrance of the prodigal professor.

Scruff quirked it’s head at Birch and the woman with him before shuffling over and hiding behind Tye’s leg.

Under his breath Matt said, “Real smooth back there, bud.
Shut up!” Tye snapped back with gritted teeth, giving Matt a shove.
The Ranger just laughed and pulled Tye’s hat over his eyes.

Birch gave them the rundown. It wasn’t anything new to Tye. Matt had been through the League challenge a few years back in Kanto and Tye, though he’d never admit it, had been obsessed with the idea of going on his own adventure one day. A sudden bubbling of excitement began to build in his chest, then Birch asked the dumbest question Tye had ever heard.

No, we're here to admire your Pokehammer 4k collection— OW!” yelped Tye as his brother elbowed him in the ribs, and cut in, “Yes, Professor, and please ignore my little brother, he can be…” Matt seemed to be groping for words and Tye stared daggers at him all the while, “Spirited,” concluded Matt. Tye frowned, unsure if he should be offended or not.

Birch laughed good naturedly and then carried on with his spiel on the League rules, before finally handing over the PokeDex. Tye couldn’t explain it, but the weight of the Dex in his hand felt important. It felt like he had a purpose… though truthfully, he wasn’t exactly interested in catching them all. He wanted the strong ones. He wanted people to remember him.

Well, don’t let me keep you!

Tye was still looking at the device in his hand when Nyl asked her question. He looked over to her then down to her Vulpix, Matt nudged him from behind, and he said, “Yeah sure.

Nyl was already heading out of the lab so Tye was forced to trot off after her, Scruff hurrying along behind. Over his shoulder he called, “Later Matt, I’ll call you when I get to Oldale Town!

The pair of freshly minted Pokemon trainers crossed the threshold leading out of Littleroot and stepped into the world of Hoenn. Scruff had decided to perch on Tye’s shoulder and was tucked up in a little ball snoozing in the sun. So far the two trainers hadn’t said a word to one another, but there was something Tye just couldn’t contain any more.

You tryna battle?” he said with a sly smirk and a quirked eyebrow. He’d been dying to battle since they’d landed in Hoenn and now that he was officially a trainer he couldn’t think of a better time than right now.
