Recent content by Zak Argon

  1. Zak Argon

    Open Social Nal Hutta Return of the Thug-Kings

    Nal Hutta was the perfect place to host a small criminal hangout. So, that's what Zargon did; invite anyone interested to small criminal hangout with little heads up to go easy on the drinks- They weren't cheap. The Scoundrel found himself a seat at the outdoor restaurant with a round table with...
  2. Zak Argon

    The Returner

    Zak Argon was the kind of guy who never shied away from making friends. Yet, he seemed to be short on them at the moment. A few blaster bolts had nearly hit him square in the back and Zak still had zero clue where the shooter was located. So, he continued to run and hide behind cover until the...