Recent content by Xim Zhan

  1. Xim Zhan

    Ask Wasn’t

    Xim barely had time to move as he surveilled the floating cityscape stretching out before him before the smells of rancid and rotting meat, flesh, seemed to assault his senses beneath his helmet. The dead and dying of this place surely, their ravaged corpses bloated and cracked beneath this...
  2. Xim Zhan

    Ask Wasn’t

    The wind howled, tugging at the edges of Xim’s armor as the duo plummeted toward the great beast. Xim’s jaw was set and his teeth grit. He was afraid, more afraid than he would ever admit; but if he were to die, he would die in a way only a Mandalorian could. Downward. They gained speed as the...
  3. Xim Zhan

    Ask Just another Tuesday

    As @Maeve responded Xim felt an odd sense of exhilaration well up in his body; a sudden desire to explore this woman’s body and connect with her again: even if it was just an act on both their parts, the desire was real. The focus; however, was still escape, so he would have to tamp down such...
  4. Xim Zhan

    Ask Just another Tuesday

    Lacing his fingers between hers, Xim gave a loving squeeze as he thread his helmet beneath his other arm. “As you well know, Mandalorians are not just fighters. We make decent nerf herders and exceptional agricultural transport pilots too.” Not that the hunting birds were anything of the sort...
  5. Xim Zhan

    Ask The Old Lab

    Xim winced as the first round impacted @Khlan Gonk ’s back. That had to hurt. The fsct that the second two rounds found their mark was of little consolation it seemed as the deformed cyborg toppled and Khlan screamed again. Hobbling forward, Xim would have shot a seething glare at @Trodai...
  6. Xim Zhan

    Ask Just another Tuesday

    ‘THAT contract’?!? Xim had heard it right. If that was the case, things might be worse than he had hoped. “Me too.” he agreed about rather being back with the nerfs. Such a simple existence, and yet here he was again. “Me too.” he muttered again as he leaned to look down the street just to make...
  7. Xim Zhan

    Ask Wasn’t

    The wind ripped reassuredly past the Mandalorian’s armor. It was one truth that was, in fact, real. The city below continued to shrink, the sprawling slums of the world below spiraling out from its floating shadow. Somehow, in spite of this, the fiery spirit of the dragon persisted. Tearing...
  8. Xim Zhan

    Ask Just another Tuesday

    “Why are you following me?” Xim snarled as he shoved the barre of his weapon toward the head of his would be stalker; intent on pulling the trigger at any sign of hostility. Whet met him though was something unexpected and altogether a shock enough to his mental processes that it threw a hitch...
  9. Xim Zhan

    Ask Wasn’t

    Xim could hear . He did not care. The ampoule that might ought reverse the mystic magics clattered down the paged street out of sight as he rocketed overhead, his fingers grazing it for but a moment unintentionally sending it further from reach. He did not care. The fear that coursed through the...
  10. Xim Zhan

    Open Sand?

    The grav-train rode almost effortlessly over the sands of the barren world of Tatooine. The only jostle that seemed to rattle that crammed storage car at the rear of the train was the bumping of train cars as the train wove in and out of the endless dunes. It was here that the Mandalorian, Xim...
  11. Xim Zhan

    Ask The Old Lab

    A well-placed shot would not take any words, but before Xim could even draw his blaster the demonic machination was off again with his benefactor. Xim growled beneath his breath, “No reward is worth this.” He was feeling extra agitated having been yanked from the snow by the unseen hand of the...
  12. Xim Zhan

    Ask Wasn’t

    The fear crescendoed in Xim’s heart until he could taste the bile boiling in the back of his mouth. the Mandalorian as he tripped and tumbled to his back. Clattering to the floor, Xim’s hand tugged frantically at his holstered sidearm as the fear began to overcome him. In the chaos of certain...
  13. Xim Zhan

    Ask Just another Tuesday

    Generally, it seemed, the sight of the black-clad man of iron was enough to dissuade all but the most desperate of swamp-rat-type inhabiting this forsaken platform. The fact that he had his gun out only added to the visage, causing those few who remained in the open to give the man a wide berth...
  14. Xim Zhan

    Ask Wasn’t

    Xim’s mind churned. The fires of passion and determination, of sheer willpower, burned and flickered against the ice that clawed at the Mandalorian’s heart. Fear clashed against pride and Xim was determined to not let it win, not again; to not fall in his moment of triumph. No, today, this time...
  15. Xim Zhan

    Ask Just another Tuesday

    The less than subtle lilt of what had once been Bespin’s second largest city, Tibannopolis, was, in a word, a pain. Everything was either uphill or downhill and heaven forbid you drop a bag of credits. If you did not dive to the ground to stop them from rolling away, you were sure to attract...