Recent content by Vronsky

  1. Vronsky

    Master of One (Padawan Training Mission)

    That was one of the more disturbing creatures that Tilo had ever had the displeasure of witnessing... They had to cross this lake, with that swimming around underneath? Okay... The padawan Fiyero managed to calm the creature, or at least let it know through the Force that it had nothing to fear...
  2. Vronsky

    Master of One (Padawan Training Mission)

    For Tilo, it made perfect sense. The objective was to get to the opposite side of the lake, and swimming was the easiest way to do it. Physically he was entirely capable. But the other padawans hadn't immediately taken to the water. Two were meditating by the lakeside. Why? Thoughts of doubt...
  3. Vronsky

    Master of One (Padawan Training) OOC

    No worries! I'm going to be off the grid doing field work until May 9th. I don't think this will be much of an issue - I'm sure by the time it comes back around to me, I should almost be back. But I thought I'd let everyone know - hopefully it doesn't cause many problems! Thanks!
  4. Vronsky

    Master of One (Padawan Training) OOC

    Link here.
  5. Vronsky

    Master of One (Padawan Training Mission)

    What the hell was he doing here? Just mere weeks ago Tilo had left his home planet for this place, Lothal, on the whim of being a Jedi. The whim. He felt completely like a fish out of water, and the cliche had never been more applicable in his life. He assumed that the others around him were...
  6. Vronsky

    Humble Beginnings on Aridus

    Tilo and Kaylara left the cantina. The air was dry and the sun bright. Luckily the place to look for the shield generator wasn't horribly far. Reeja was a tight Rodian woman who owned one of the best trading posts in the city. Aridus was a ways off the Corellian Run which meant it ended up...
  7. Vronsky

    The Secret to Creating a Good Character

    So I'm new to the RP here but I'm not new to story-craft or character development. I'm happy to be a sounding board and provide my thoughts (though please, I'm not a writer by trade, a professional, etc. I'm just a fellow RP-er.) To answer your overarching question, there is no single *secret*...
  8. Vronsky

    I Could Use Some Consructive Criticism

    Happy to oblige! First, you could edit it to a bit more readable size and font; maybe just my making the text a bit bigger. I don't think the photos are a very good representation of the character you describe, but that's just me being nitpicky! He's super young (18) and the photos are of...
  9. Vronsky

    Humble Beginnings on Aridus

    I'm afraid I have no offer, nor any credits to spare, said Tilo. I have to be frugal give my uncertain path forward. We should see what we can do about that shield generator, Kaylara.
  10. Vronsky

    Humble Beginnings on Aridus

    The Force works in mysterious ways... Tilo told the bounty hunter. I might ask what you're doing on Aridus? What brought you here? And also, Kaylara, where might I find the Archives? What systems are the Jedi in? Forgive my ignorance - I've never really traveled Republic space. And what are...
  11. Vronsky

    Humble Beginnings on Aridus

    Tilo had two options. He could be honest about his experiences or he could not. The reality, though, was there was a Jedi sitting in from of him here and now, and he didn't know when an opportunity would come like this again. I won't bore you with my life story. But I will say that I think the...
  12. Vronsky

    Humble Beginnings on Aridus

    I'm Tilo, he said. And it was more than just the crates that gave me some hints... He addressed the Jedi. I have to ask... I've been contemplating seeking the Jedi out. But I don't even know where to find them. I'm not even sure if I should try to find them. But it feels right. I can't explain it.
  13. Vronsky

    Your Political Compass

    The last time I took this as a teenager I was like, in the blue. Whoops. I guess that graduate education in global environmental policy tipped me over the edge a bit.
  14. Vronsky

    Humble Beginnings on Aridus

    A shield generator? He asked. We might be able to dig you up one. I know a guy here in Trade City that might have something compatible with your ship, but there's no guarantee. Worth a shot. When the next rounds of drinks came, he asked, I couldn't help but notice, but... are you Jedi? To...
  15. Vronsky

    Humble Beginnings on Aridus

    The blonde woman walked in one hot afternoon. She looked the part of being an off-worlder, given her put-together appearance. Still, she didn't appear to be completely out of place, and seemed comfortable in the environment. This further raised Tilo's suspicions that she was indeed a Jedi. At...